Friday, October 26, 2018

CHELSEA CLINTON RUNS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE - "I love the smell of bribes and banksters' dirty money!"


Don't you care about the planet?
While you wallow lasciviously in your shower for a whole 5 minutes or 600 seconds, the noble heroes of the Left are sacrificing their shower time to save the planet.
Here's a heartbreaking interview with Chelsea Clinton, possible presidential candidate in 2024.
Q. What changes have you made in the past five years in your family life to be environmentally conscious?
A. I’ve always recycled and used smart light bulbs and tried to take short showers. The things that seem small are the things that if we all did would make a profound impact. 
And the really small things, like taking smaller private jets.
Chelsea Clinton opted to travel to a “clean energy” roundtable in this week in a private jet to campaign on behalf of her mother Hillary Clinton.
Clinton first attended two events in Greenville, North Carolina, stopping by a campaign office and then going to an event at East Carolina University to discuss college affordability.
After her two events in Greenville, Clinton was scheduled to attend a “clean energy roundtable” in Asheville, which is about a 5-hour drive away. But instead of driving or flying on a commercial plane, Clinton opted to a take a private jet. The NTK Network posted a tracking video that shows Clinton boarding the private jet on Wednesday.
It's important that we do everything we can to save the planet from the Flying Global Warming Monster. Like flying shorter flights while taking shorter showers on board those private jets.
Also, in huge news, Chelsea Clinton once again mentioned that she might mull running for office if someone steps down, or retires, or everyone in the Democrat Party dies leaving them with no choice but Chelsea Clinton.


CHELSEA… global looters!

"But there is no doubt in my mind that the Clintons, thoroughly practiced grifters that they are, as well as their increasingly shady daughter, will not hesitate to use  such classified information as they may be able to access for personal and political enrichment.  They've been doing it  for decades, and they're not about to stop now." RUSS VAUGHN

Hillary Clinton is simply the epitome of the rabid self – a whirlpool of selfishness, greed, and malignance.

It may well be true that Donald Trump has made his greatest contribution to the nation before even taking office:  the political destruction of Hillary Clinton and her infinitely corrupt machine. J.R. Dunn

"Hillary will do anything to distract you from her reckless record and the damage to the Democratic Party and the America she and The Obama's have created."

HILLARY & BILLARY: The Evita and Juan Peron of Wall Street

Their Looting of the Poor of Haiti IS FINALLY OVER

“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service”
into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in
the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political
machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of
a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the
Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes. The basic
components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and
Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the
ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”

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