Saturday, May 13, 2017


The following story, which ran on Circa, should be extremely important but I am sure that most of the media will ignore it. It shows that Hillary was willing to ignore ethics laws if people donated to the Clinton Foundation.

From the article:

Clintons: The pay to play family

The following story, which ran on Circa, should be extremely important but I am sure that most of the media will ignore it. It shows that Hillary was willing to ignore ethics laws if people donated to the Clinton Foundation.
From the article:
“While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.”
Instead of working for the American people Hillary also enriched herself and the Foundation by granting access to donors and to people or countries who would pay Bill big money for speeches. There are many stories that show how much access she gave to donors.
Even Uranium was available to the Russians for a price.
Throughout their adult lives, the Clintons have enriched themselves through their political power. They did not start businesses or invent anything. They provided access and favors for a price.
The Democratic Party enabled them to enrich themselves by continually supporting them and looking the other way.  The Justice Department and President Obama also didn’t care.  The media have been the biggest culprits because, instead of holding the Clintons to account, they have endorsed them for whatever positions they have sought no matter what they have done.
If anyone wants to know why we have to drain the swamp they just need to look at the Clinton example. Entrenched politicians and bureaucrats from both parties evolve to believe that the taxpayer money is theirs to use as they like. They hand it out like candy to buy votes or to enrich themselves. Hence, throughout the country we are broke.The taxpayers are continually screwed while the government says they need more money and those requests are almost universally supported by the media. 
I believe I have found why so much of the supposed news that we get support politicians who believe in big government and call those of who believe in smaller government and economic freedom far right wing extremists.
From the following article:
“In the latest sign that Washington operates in an alternate economy, journalism jobs around the country dove 22 percent in the last 10 years, but they spiked a whopping 38 percent in the nation's capital, according to a new economic study. What's more, salaries for Washington journalists rose 7 percent while diving nationally.
While 12,000 reporting jobs were eliminated in most markets in the last decade, the Washington journalism market expanded from 2,190 to 3,030. That is more than five journalists for every single House and Senate member.”
It would be helpful if the local newspapers throughout the country used more local reporters instead of reprinting so much that comes out of D.C. Maybe we can get a variety of viewpoints instead of so much groupthink.

“Clinton is finished.  She is never going to become the American Messalina.”

“But if she shows any sign of weakness, her cronies will begin to desert her, those she trampled on and harmed will seek payback, and the authorities will at last stir themselves to look into things. The current investigations will continue and expand. Others will be opened. Clinton can look forward to an old age spent in courthouses and committee rooms. She will end up as one of those Mafia dons slumped in a wheelchair while the lawyers attempt to generate sympathy. And that’s fine. She has earned the most Hellenic of punishments.”


"This offers cold comfort to millions of college students saddled with massive debt and workers confronting the prospect of dead-end, low-wage and part-time jobs. The economic legacy of the Obama administration has been a bonanza for Wall Street, with huge income gains for the top 1 percent and falling and stagnating wages for the vast majority. The main beneficiaries have been wealthy individuals l
ike Chelsea Clinton herself, who is married to a hedge fund manager."

HILLARY & BILLARY: Their Looting of the Poor of Haiti

“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service” into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes. The basic components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”