Friday, July 22, 2022




Anti-Semitism "is not woven into the fabric of American society," another staffer said. "White Supremacy is." Whatever fear Jews feel, the staffer added, is "nothing compared to what black Americans feel."

Inside the Woke Meltdown at One Domestic Violence Organization

Women Against Abuse discouraged black domestic abuse victims from calling the police. Yes, you read that right.

A protest calling for the defunding of police in the wake of George Floyd's death, June 2020 (Getty Images


It was just two months after the death of George Floyd that one of the largest domestic violence nonprofits in the United States, Women Against Abuse, brought in several diversity consultants to conduct a racial-equity audit. The goal of the audit, Women Against Abuse told staffers, was to become "a fully inclusive, multicultural, and antiracist institution."

By November 2020, the organization, which is ostensibly devoted to "serving all survivors," was offering to pay "BIPOC" employees more than their white counterparts and discouraging black abuse victims from calling the police. Its employees were also at war with each other, bickering over whether Jews are a persecuted minority group and whether there is such a thing as a non-racist white person.

Those events prompted Nicole Levitt, an attorney with the group’s legal center, to file a discrimination complaint against her employer with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that it "berated, humiliated, and subjected" her to "mandatory thought reform efforts."

"Women Against Abuse used to be liberal," Levitt told the Washington Free Beacon. "Now it’s illiberal."

This story is based on Levitt’s discrimination complaint, Women Against Abuse’s response to it, and materials from the equity audit that Levitt shared with the Free Beacon. It reveals how the leading domestic violence nonprofit in Philadelphia descended into dogmatism and infighting, obsessing over identity as domestic homicides in the city reached an all-time high of 43 in 2021—more than double the previous year.

That obsession manifested in avant garde policies that led the group far astray from its core mission. The policies weren’t just the product of employee activism, but of outside consultants—including Ragina Arrington, now the chief executive officer of the Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative University, who since July 2020 has been helping Women Against Abuse conduct its equity audit.

Arrington began this work as a senior officer at Philanthropy Unbound, one of two diversity consultancies retained by Women Against Abuse in the wake of George Floyd’s death. The consultants soon injected race into every crevice of the organization, transforming it from the inside out.

Leftwing nonprofits across the country have undergone similar transformations. From the Sierra Club to the Guttmacher Institute to the American Civil Liberties Union, the Intercept’s Ryan Grim reported last month, progressive advocacy groups have "effectively ceased to function," as their outward-facing missions fall prey to internal tumult.

Women Against Abuse is a case study in how that tumult is generated, as activist employees bring in well-heeled diversity consultants who in turn empower the activists.

The consultants doing this work are increasingly mainstream, as Arrington’s institutional ascent demonstrates: She left Philanthropy Unbound for the Clinton Foundation two years after beginning work with Women Against Abuse, and has continued consulting for the domestic violence nonprofit from her new perch, creating a direct line between the two groups.

The Clinton Foundation did not respond to a request for comment.

In addition to Arrington, Women Against

Abuse hired Crossroads, a diversity consultancy

that specializes in dismantling "white

supremacy culture." Formerly known as

Crossroads Ministry, the consulting group has

worked with a wide range of organizations—

including the Presbyterian Church—to

"institutionalize accountability."

The stakes of this consultant-led metamorphosis are high. Women Against Abuse provides a panoply of services to abuse victims, from housing and legal representation to child care, case management, and crisis counseling. It is also the primary domestic violence shelter in Philadelphia, according to materials from the audit reviewed by the Free Beacon, and helps the city government coordinate efforts to address domestic violence, which surged across the country amid the pandemic.

After the consultants got involved, however, Women Against Abuse began hosting presentations on defunding the police, whom it discouraged non-white victims of domestic violence from calling.

"It is often unsafe for Black victims, victims of color and immigrant victims to reach out to police for help," the group posted on its website in the summer of 2020, given the "inherent racism" of law enforcement.

"The police have never been the solution to violence against women," asserted one PowerPoint presentation, which staffers were required to attend in May 2021. The presentation—"Defund the Police: Safety Planning"—counseled a "restorative justice" approach to domestic violence that used "community-based organizations."

Women Against Abuse did not respond to a request for comment about whom victims should call instead of police.

The group also jettisoned its membership in the Sanctuary Institute—effectively an accrediting body for domestic violence nonprofits—which outlines best practices for working with trauma victims. The audit found early on that those practices were a "safe harbor from confronting white supremacy," according to a July 2022 PowerPoint presentation summarizing the audit’s progress, because they focused on comforting people—not on holding them "accountable to things like micro-aggressions and white supremacy behaviors."

"I’m concerned about them getting rid of that model," said Levitt, a licensed therapist who counseled trauma victims before she became an attorney. "Who knows what they’ll replace it with?"

The relentless racialism didn’t just affect Women Against Abuse’s policies, but also its office culture. In February, Levitt filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that her employer had created a "racially hostile work environment"—in part by asking white staffers to sign a statement affirming that "all white people are racist and that I am not the exception."

"In the name of ‘equity’ and ‘anti-racism,’" the complaint reads, Women Against Abuse "instituted race-focused programming under which employees are discriminated against, segregated, and barraged with negative racial stereotypes."

The group’s transformation began in July 2020, when the then-executive director of Women Against Abuse, Jeannine Lisitski, hired Arrington as a part-time diversity consultant.

"In a commitment to transparency (to counteract white dominant values like secrecy!) I’m reaching out to share an update about the work that we are doing as an agency to move closer to our goal to become an anti-racist organization," Lisitski emailed staff on July 15, 2020. As part of that work, Arrington would facilitate racial "affinity spaces for ongoing healing and conversation."

Lisitski also announced that the Women Against Abuse would be working with Crossroads to conduct a multiyear "equity audit," which Arrington would help to facilitate. The audit is ongoing to this day, according to the July 2022 PowerPoint, and Arrington has remained involved with it, serving as a liaison between Crossroads and Women Against Abuse.

The audit came as staffers were at each other’s throats over issues of race and identity—including the issue of whether Jews counted as an oppressed group. On July 23, 2020, a member of the legal center circulated an article about anti-Semitism in the Black Lives Matter movement. Levitt chimed in to endorse the article, writing that, with anti-Semitic violence on the rise, "I hope as an organization we would stand against this as well."

Her email elicited a torrent of vitriol from her colleagues, one of whom called it "a slap in the face of every brown and black person."

Anti-Semitism "is not woven into the fabric of American society," another staffer said. "White Supremacy is." Whatever fear Jews feel, the staffer added, is "nothing compared to what black Americans feel."

That was news to Levitt: She’d lived in Israel during the Second Intifada, she said in a follow-up email, where "I was personally shot at" and "some of my friends died."

Things went downhill from there. In November 2020, Women Against Abuse solicited applications for a "Racial Equity Audit Task Force" to help Arrington and Crossroads "eradicate" bias. True equality, the group made clear, would require white members of the task force to earn less than others.

"All task force members will receive a small stipend every pay period," Women Against Abuse told staffers in a November 10 email. "Due to the nature of this process and the additional emotional labor of unearthing many biases that negatively affect individuals with their shared identity, Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) staffers will receive a larger stipend."

"I was astounded they would do something so blatantly illegal," said Levitt, who included the incident in her discrimination complaint. Multiple civil rights laws, including Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, prohibit pay discrimination on the basis of race. Responding to the complaint, Women Against Abuse told the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that it would be ending the race-based stipend scheme.

The audit proceeded from the assumption that Women Against Abuse was steeped in racism—and that it was powerless to rectify that racism without the consultants’ help. "Your organization is caught up in a power arrangement that maintains racial inequality," a handout from Crossroads reads. "Your organization’s ‘solutions’ to racism are ultimately a part of the problem and do not affect change at a root level."

To come up with better solutions, Crossroads surveyed staffers in August 2020 on how Women Against Abuse "harmed," "exploited," and "disempowered" people of color. Several respondents singled out the Sanctuary Institute principles for criticism, according to the July 2022 PowerPoint from the audit. Others complained that the group’s legal center "centered around [a] criminal justice system that harms POC," and that Women Against Abuse expects staffers "to respond to upper management requests ASAP."

The audit also included a series of "skills-building sessions" moderated by Arrington, who spent each session dissecting a different aspect of "white supremacy culture." People of "all identities" could participate in the sessions, Arrington told staffers in an April 2021 email, because "white supremacy culture is a smog that we all ingest, digest, and push back out to the people around us." The constituent particles of that smog, her email continued, include a "sense of urgency" and "objectivity."

Though the skills-building sessions were optional, the racial affinity spaces were not, Levitt said. Arrington facilitated many of these spaces, including the legal center’s white affinity space, which in April 2021 drew up a "full value contract" it asked all white attorneys to sign.

The contract, a draft of which was reviewed by the Free Beacon, asked the attorneys to abide by 15 commandments. "Assume good intentions" was one. "Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception" was another.

Levitt refused to sign the contract—or attend any more of the segregated meetings.

"I found the idea of being separated into groups by skin color to be inherently racist and regressive, not to mention against the law," Levitt said. "I refused to take part in the scapegoating and demonizing of an entire race. Anyone with a sense of history will tell you that things didn't tend to go well when that happened."

The Biden administration and the new 'Intolerable Acts'

In 1774, the British imposed the Intolerable Acts on the American colonies.  These acts, also called the Coercive Acts, were punishment for the Americans' disobedience to the crown, particularly as symbolized by the Boston Tea Party, a rebellion against a (relatively mild) increase in the tax on tea.

My fellow Americans, we have recently been subjected to a second set of Coercive Acts.  Call them the Intolerable Acts 2.0.

These acts have been imposed on American citizens by their own supposedly representative government, the Biden administration, as punishment for disobedience to the Democrat party and the Deep State, as symbolized by the MAGA movement and the election of Donald Trump.

What are the new Intolerable Acts?  I will list a number of them here for you now, many of them a result of executive fiat, not unlike those directed at the colonists by King George III.

– Rescinding the Keystone Pipeline permit, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

– Withdrawing oil and gas leases across the nation and its coastal waters, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and gas and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

– Dramatically restricting fracking and preventing all new extraction of oil or gas on federal lands, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

–  Proposing and fostering other policies guaranteed to dramatically worsen inflation, adversely affecting all Americans lives, especially those with lower incomes and less leverage and fewer opportunities.

– Refusing to close or even effectively monitor or police our southern border, condemning Americans to suffer significant increases in violent crime, drug overdoses, sex-trafficking, and the proliferation of diseases like COVID-19.

– Treating illegal aliens far better than citizens in fly-over country, in many cases putting them up in hotels and then granting them sanctuary status, driver's licenses and free education and health care...all paid for by taxpayers, including those dolts in fly-over country.

– Instituting policies guaranteed to worsen crime and supporting groups like Antifa and BLM that routinely burn and loot American cities — and sometimes kill innocent people and police officers.

– Jailing January 6 protesters, nearly all of whom were actually peaceful, in many cases indefinitely and without charging them, because, well, January 6 was, in some ways, the MAGA movement's Tea Party.

– Sending the FBI and/or DOJ after individual political opponents, raiding their houses in the wee hours with preposterously overwhelming force, dragging them out in their underclothes — and making a spectacle of them for the media.

– Targeting legal firearm owners and attempting to repeal the God-given right to self-defense, a right more important now than ever before...due to the very policies of so-called progressives like those in the Biden administration who want to strip you of this inalienable right.

– Attempting to repeal the First Amendment and strip all of us of our right to free speech, religion, and assembly.  Labeling speech with which they disagree as "hate speech."

– Telling us that there is no way to definitively ascertain sex at birth...or any other time, for that matter.

– Attempting to force us to take an experimental gene therapy "vaccine" into our bodies, while simultaneously saying everyone should have the right to decide whether or not to kill their unborn babies because it's "your body, and therefore your choice."

There were five original Intolerable Acts.  Those acts were the proximate cause of the First Continental Congress...and the American Revolution.

I have listed nearly three times that number of (what should effectively be considered to be) "intolerable Acts" the American government has imposed on its citizens in the past 18 months.

What say you, Americans?

Image via Picryl.

Black Lives Matter: Black Supremacists

On July 14, Minneapolis police shot and killed twenty-year-old Tekle Sundberg after a six-hour standoff that included multiple shots by the "victim" being fired into the apartment of a young woman and her two small children.  This was because Tekle Sundberg was trying to kill her.  Yet according to attorney Ben Crump, Tekle was a "smart, loving, and artistic" young man "experiencing a mental health crisis."  The photo accompanying Crump's call to action showed Tekle wearing white, the color of innocence, while smiling for the camera.  However, a second photo in the Twitter feed displayed another side of Tekle's character as he held two pistols and a bag of contraband while playfully posing for the camera.

Crump demanded ANSWERS (his capitalization, not mine) from the Minneapolis police about how they conducted themselves during the standoff.  He also posted videos of the grieving adoptive parents blaming the police for killing their son "unnecessarily" and called for people to protest at the scene of the crime, which they did.  Tekle's white parents claimed that the police promised they wouldn't shoot him (a curious claim to make in an active shooter situation, to be sure) and predictably suggested that their son would still be alive if he were white.  However, the police reported that whenever they tried to have the father speak to Tekle, the young man turned his music up full blast and screamed at them.

Just how disgusting can Tekle's parents get?  Zero sympathy was expressed for their son's intended victim or her children.  Their son was actively trying to murder his neighbor when the police finally shot and killed him, more than six hours after the standoff began, and still they blame the police.  If Tekle had been white, the only difference in the outcome is that the cops most likely wouldn't have waited six hours before they finally shot and killed him.  The man was spraying live rounds into another apartment, trying to kill its inhabitants, which, in my opinion, forfeits his right to continue breathing.

Say the name "George Floyd," and people bow their heads in reverence for the petty criminal, who died while in police custody from an officer "kneeling on his neck" until he suffocated — which didn't happen, but don't tell that to Officer Derek Chauvin, because he's in prison for allegedly killing Floyd.  Now say the name "Tony Timpa."  Who?  Minneapolis police officers went to prison for detaining Floyd with a controversial hold for nine minutes.  Dallas police officers held Tony Timpa with the very same hold for almost fourteen minutes, and, like Floyd, Timpa died.  Why have there been no media reports of Timpa's death like the reports on George Floyd?  Well, Tony Timpa was a white man.

If Timpa's story failed to move you, what about Edward Bronstein?  Two months before George Floyd died, the very same thing happened to Bronstein — cops kneeled on him, and he died.  What happened to the officers in the Timpa and Bronstein cases?  Nothing.

Obviously, police brutality isn't the real issue for Black Lives Matter.  Nor does the innocence or guilt of the candidate for martyrdom matter.  Skin color is all that matters to Black Lives Matter.  It doesn't hurt if you have a criminal record, too.

Seventy-five percent of the people killed by the police each year are white, Asian, or Hispanic.  Twenty-five percent of the suspects killed by police are black.  If anything, police have become more reluctant to engage with and subdue a violent black offender out of fear that Black Lives Matter and Ben Crump will marshal the forces of evil against them, and that reluctance puts even more lives at risk.

Not only does BLM always side against the police, but the group frequently sides against the black victims of black criminal thugs.  Apparently, only black criminals aren't supposed to get shot, no matter what they've done.  In stark contrast, innocent black women and children are fair game.  If you are a young black criminal, you're untouchable as far as Black Lives Matter is concerned.  Black Lives Matter doesn't care about people.  It cares only about power.  The people behind Black Lives Matter don't care about black lives in general; they care about only the lives of dangerous black criminals and buying expensive real estate in rich white neighborhoods.

George Floyd?  He's been elevated to the ranks of a minor deity, although a lightning strike seems to have offered God's final word on the matter.  And contrary to what Ben Crump might have you believe, Tekle Sundberg was no angel.  He was a thug and a criminal, and he's far from the only example of Black Lives Matter choosing to champion the wrong black lives.  Jacob Blake admits that he had a knife when police shot him.  Black Lives Matter led a major protest to honor the man that police had been trying to arrest for sexual assault, criminal trespass, and disorderly conduct.  The protests in Kenosha led to Kyle Rittenhouse being forced to kill several people in self-defense as the situation grew completely out of control.

Michael Brown robbed a convenience store and broke the orbital bone in the face of police officer Darren Wilson, but BLM lied and claimed that Brown had his hands up.  And Ferguson, Missouri was burned to the ground because of another pernicious lie.  Rayshard Brooks passed out in the drive-through lane of a Wendy's and eventually managed to get shot and killed while resisting arrest for DUI.  For some unknown reason, video of the police having a normal conversation with Brooks aired on television, but video of Brooks resisting arrest and firing a Taser at the cops did not.  Naturally, protesters burned the restaurant to the ground.

Much more importantly, little eight-year-old Secoriea Turner was shot and killed when a protester fired a bullet into her mother's car.  Two of the protesters were arrested for her murder.  Two years after Brooks's death, "mourners" planned a vigil to remember him.  Nobody has a vigil planned for Secoriea Turner.

Black Lives Matter protesters immediately dropped to a knee when reports aired that an armed carjacker had been killed by the police.  The protesters promised to loot and riot in response, but after they learned that the carjacker was white, the protest suddenly ended, quickly and quietly.  They didn't care that the perpetrator had allegedly been waving a gun and shooting at police, but they did care about his skin color, because only the lives of black criminals matter to Black Lives Matter.  If you're an innocent bystander, a woman, or a child — even if you're black — well, you're just collateral damage.

The young woman Sundberg had been trying to kill bravely came out of her apartment to confront the angry crowd that came to march in front of her building and shouted at them, "He tried to kill me in front of my kids!  There are bullet holes in my kitchen!"

One of the protestors chillingly replied, "Not in you, though!"

What type of a human being would say such a thing to the victim of a violent crime?

John Leonard is a freelance writer.  His seventh book, The God Conclusion, is available on Amazon, and his other books can be found at  He may be contacted via his website at

Image: Johnny Silvercloud via Flickr (cropped), CC BY-SA 2.0.

Gaetz: We Live in a Country Where AOC Gets Fake Handcuffs Before Hillary Gets Real Handcuffs


During an appearance on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) contrasted how Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were treated as Capitol Police were removing pro-abortion protesters at the Supreme Court earlier in the day to other Democrats and how Republicans investigated by the January 6 Committee were treated.

“I honestly can’t believe we live in a country where AOC gets fake handcuffs put on her before Hillary Clinton gets real handcuffs put on her,” he said. “But really, Washington is a town built on fake things. It’s not just AOC’s handcuffs. Joe Biden has his fake Oval Office that they send him to. I don’t think he knows that it’s fake. And we even have the fake January 6 Committee. But AOC has become a master in this performance art, whether it’s the phony weeping at the border, or the imagined trauma on January 6, or this event now where she’s trying to be this martyred social justice warrior. But at least she wasn’t alone. Even Ilhan Omar pretended that she had been fake-handcuffed.

“So, I guess I’m less wondering — like, on a day when AOC and Ilhan Omar getting the white glove treatment from the police, with only these invisible, imaginary handcuffs, you got Steve Bannon on trial,” Gaetz continued. “Peter Navarro got leg-shackled. Where’s all this white privilege I have been hearing about?”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


On America’s First Family of Crime….. NO! Not the Bushes again!


Clinton global hucksterism – Selling out America like they sold out the Lincoln Bedroom.


The left cared nothing about that bit of collusion. 

Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for reasons of personal gain.  Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is reaping the financial benefits of being on the board of a Russian company, Joule, which he did not disclose.  PATRICIA McCARTHY


Had Hillary been elected, the Clinton Foundation would be raking in even more millions than it did before.  She would be happily selling access, favors and our remaining freedoms out from under us. PATRICIA McCARTHY

Dick Morris: Hillary Clinton Will Run Against Trump in 2024

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 20 secondsVolume 90%

Former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris predicted Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “National Report” that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would run against former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race.

When asked if Trump will run in 2024, Morris said, “Yes, and he’ll be the Republican nominee. He will probably get it by acclamation. I don’t think there’ll be a primary. He will win the election. And his opponent is going to be Hillary Clinton.”

He continued, “Let me explain that. Already the Democrats are pressuring by not to run because they see what a disaster he would be. And Harris is no better. The line of possible alternatives is queuing up. You have Gavin Newsom, governor of California, Jared Polis, the Governor of Colorado, Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary.”

Morris added, “But ultimately the left is going to have their candidates, and they’ll probably run Sanders or maybe AOC, and that will trigger Hillary into the race in order to save the Democratic Party from the left rerunning the Hillary Sanders race of 16. And I think Hillary will win that contest. I think she and Trump will face it off, and I think Trump is going to win handily.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).          BRIAN C JOONDEPH


One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


But the Clinton Foundation, to which donations declined dramatically after Clinton’s 2016 defeat, has taken multi-million dollar contributions from Saudi Arabia in the past and isn’t ruling out continuing to accept them.

The Clinton Foundation accepted between $10 and $25 million from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with donations coming as late as 2014. A now-defunct group named “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” which was reportedly co-founded by a Saudi Prince and often worked as a PR front for the kingdom, also donated between $1 and $5 million.

Qatar's longstanding efforts to buy influence in the United States have, quite unsurprisingly, included substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, for example, the foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar in honor of former president Bill Clinton's 65th birthday. Hillary was serving as secretary of state at the time, but failed to disclose the massive donation to the State Department despite her pledge to keep the agency apprised of the foundation's foreign donors.


How the Clinton campaign fooled the FBI

In 2016 Hillary Clinton tweeted that "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank."

Michael Sussman was tried and acquitted for lying to the FBI when he provided evidence of this communication while claiming he was not associated with the Clinton campaign. The computer scientists associated with the Clinton campaign did not uncover the communication between the Trump Organization and the Alpha Bank, they created it. 

Here is how it can be done:

Assume I am working for an IT department that manages its own DNS (Domain Name Service) and mail servers (Running Linux). If not, I can lease a server with a block of IP addresses and configure it with two DNS servers and a mail server. Now I remotely login to the mail server (or the leased server) and issue the following command (since these are real addresses, we’re using asterisks):

echo "Test from" | mail -s "The Trump Organization" -aFrom: DonJr@tr***.org contact@alphabank.**

This will send a message from DonJr@tr***.org to contact@alfabank.** with the subject "The Trump Organization" and message "Test from tr**.org". You can also find actual contact addresses on the Alfa Bank website.

When the command is issued, among other things, the Alfa Bank mail server will contact one of its DNS servers, which will contact my DNS server, to check if the hostname of my mail server matches the mail server's IP address. This will leave a nice thumbprint of the Alfa Bank DNS server in my DNS logs.

More importantly, the Alfa Bank DNS server will contact the DNS server to query if my mail server is authorized to send mail for the domain. (Which, of course, it is not.) This is bona fide “covert” communication between the Russian bank and the Trump Organization server, and will leave a nice entry in the DNS logs. Since my mail server is not authorized to send mail for, the Alfabank server will close the connection and not accept the message. Nobody except me will know this ever happened.

Now I can set up a CRON job on my Linux mail server to send these messages automatically at any day or time. I can also edit my DNS logs using the Alfa Bank's thumbprint, and show it to the FBI claiming it was taken from the Trump Organization server. Apparently, the CIA reviewed the logs and determined that they were more likely user generated than machine generated. A nothingburger.


Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections

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