Sunday, May 20, 2018


For some reason, despite the disgrace and career defenestration visited on other liberal icons like Charlie Rose and Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton is still able to cash in in a big way, and enjoy the company and implicit endorsement of major media companies and personalities. Yesterday, Jennifer Wright put into context the weird immunity granted to him, in the New York Post:
It’s 2018. One of the world’s most powerful married men had a 22-year-old intern perform oral sex on him in his office. He’s been accused of sexual assault by three other women. One claims, as is the case with so many of the men who have fallen from positions of power as a result, that he exposed himself to her (which always makes me, at least, pause and wonder why on earth so many men seem to want to do this). We know, too, that he lied about his tryst with the intern.
So why is Bill Clinton still presiding over glamorous parties? (snip) he’s almost certainly guilty of actions that would be categorized as harassment in 2018. The fact that the Lewinsky affair happened as long ago as 1995 is no matter.
Charlie Rose is accused of harassment by several employees dating back to the late 1990s — and he lost his job in November.
People seem curiously willing to hold Clinton to a different standard than other men accused of sexual harassment. Many don’t seem especially bothered by his actions at all and lay the blame for the scandal squarely on Lewinsky. In a 2014 Economist/YouGov poll, 58 percent of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, 48 percent had an unfavorable opinion of Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton is once again cashing in on a scale that dwarfs the income possibilities of ordinary Americans.  Isabel Vincent laid it out yesterday, also in the New York Post:
Bill Clinton will spend his summer rolling in dough.
Next month the former president is scheduled to crisscross the US and Canada in a promotional tour for his new novel, in some cases charging $1,500 a ticket for on-stage events, dubbed “A Conversation with President Bill Clinton.”
Clinton, already a best-selling author for his 2004 autobiography “My Life,” began raking in the cash for the fictional thriller that he wrote with mega-bestselling novelist James Patterson, before the book was finished. He and his co-author reportedly signed a seven-figure deal with Showtime last year for the rights to turn “The President is Missing” into a TV series.
Showtime is a subsidiary of Viacom, as is CBS, which fired Charlie Rose. Why the disparate standards? Are politicians (or at least Democrat presidents)  granted some sort of droit du seigneur over vulnerable and comely young interns and assistants that doesn’t apply to Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and other media grandees?
I wonder what Barack Obama has to say?
Oh, wait a minute: he already said it: “At some point, you’ve made enough money.”
PS: James Patterson, I am done with you. I will never buy or read another book written by you.

Democrats wake up to what indulging the Clinton corruption has brought them

Leftists haven't stopped yelling about the 2016 election, but at least some of them are starting to wake up and smell the coffee they brewed themselves.
Josh Barro, a prominent and respected writer on the far left, has written a widely circulated article with this nut graf:
Here's one reason the Trump corruption scandals aren't connecting as much as they should: Before Democrats spent the past 18 months telling everyone this is not normal, they spent years reassuring voters that this was normal.
While I am a bit baffled about his claims of 'Trump corruption scandals' (what is he talking about?) the second half of his statement is dead on. Two can play that game. Or more accurately, the Clintons lowered the bar.
Up until now, this phenomenon has been quite opaque to leftists, who have repeatedly dismissed Clinton (and Obama) behavior as business as usual. Spying on political opponents, spying on the press, taking cash for foundation donations in exchange for policy decisions, was all claimed to be nothing, just as 'it's just about sex' had been. Democrats systematically corrupted the system with their 'we'll just have to win it, then' mentality, courtesy of the Clintons, and now have to contend with a rigged Democratic Party, they can't even blame Republicans for that one, it's all their own doing. Their Alinskyite 'by any means necessary' mentality has come back to bite them in the butts now. And now they have Trump to deal with. The very Trump of rising poll numbers, so lucky them.
What they did through this short term gain was open the door for someone else to take obvious transgressions that should have been nipped in the bud to ever greater extremes. The Stormy Daniels controversy, for instance, is a nothingburger to us now, because Bill Clinton and several Democrats before him already lowered the bar, thinking that if Democrats do it, it's all O.K.
Net result, voters just don't care.
Pat yourselves on the back for that, Democrats, because you are living in a 'new normal' of your own making.
Image credit: Democracy Chronicles, via Flickr // Creative Commons SA 2.0


The thuggishness of Barack was clear early on.  There was his land deal, wherein he enriched himself with Tony Rezko in Chicago.  All his political wins came by nefariously taking out his political opponents rather than beating them fairly in the arena of ideas.  Everyone should have known.


Hillary, Billary, Cosby, Buttman Affleck, Oliver Stone, Harvey Weinstein and their boy Obomb….. new definitions of
degradation and sleaze.                            

Harvey Weinstein has been exposed in the media as the sexual predator he is, and Hillary Clinton has been exposed as the craven money-grubber she is; money over morality is the mantra she lives by. PATRICIA Mc CARTHY – AMERICAN THINKERcom

The Clinton reckoning is tiptoeing in

This is a historic moment of bated breath and tight sphincters all over Clintonworld.  After decades of skating on their grifts, abuses, and outright crimes, a reckoning is coming.  And not just for the Hillary Clinton, but for her enablers.  The leaks begin about the I.G. report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation
Until Wednesday, there had been virtually no genuine leaks coming out of the inspector general's office at the Department of Justice – the sign of a probe with integrity. But that silence ended when the I.G.'s office circulated relevant portions of its report to people named in it, for their comments, which would be included when the report is published.

"With a cloth?"
The first sign was the now-infamous New York Times article, "Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation," in which, all of a sudden, it was officially admitted that the Trump campaign was spied on by the Obama intelligence apparatus and that at least one secret agent was employed.  Clearly, a major spin operation was underway in which damning facts to be revealed in an I.G. report are presented in the most favorable light possible and then can be dismissed as "old news" when the report is published.
But not everyone who now has seen portions of the report is playing defense.  Sara Carter is one of the key investigative reporters covering the biggest political scandal in American history.  She writes:
Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report, which is expected to be released within the next three to four weeks to the public, has been turned over to current and former officials for review, as first reported in The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
The draft, however, does not include any recommendations for criminal prosecution.  If there was any evidence collected by the Inspector General's office of criminality, Horowitz would then refer the matter to the Department of Justice and submit a criminal referral to prosecutors.
"It would be up to the Inspector General to make the recommendations but there is an expectation that there will be at least one referral for prosecution," said a source familiar with the findings, who added that it is not conclusive as the Inspector General's office never discusses ongoing investigations.
In other words, so far, nobody outside the tightly controlled I.G. office knows the nature of any criminal referrals resulting from the inquiry.  But the history of the investigation into Andrew McCabe, already made public before he was able to retire and collect extra retirement income, suggests that the I.G. is far from reluctant to make such referrals:
As for the criminal referrals, it would be similar to the outcome of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions after Horowitz's explosive first report released in April found that he lied multiple times about authorizing a leak to The Wall Street Journal.  In McCabe's case, Horowitz referred his findings to Sessions, who fired him several days before he was set to retire.  Horowitz also submitted a criminal referral on McCabe to the DOJ for possible criminal prosecution, as reported.  It would be up to Washington prosecutors to determine whether or not to move forward with the referral and it elevated the possibility that McCabe would be charged with a crime.  Horowitz's report concluded that McCabe had lied to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, as well as his investigators and others regarding his authorization of the leak.  McCabe lied on four occasions, three of those were under oath.
A.G. Sessions already revealed that John Huber, a U.S. attorney in Utah, has been charged with investigating scandals relating to Justice Department investigations of President Trump, and the U.S. attorney in Little Rock has a grand jury investigation underway.  So the pieces are in place for action on any referrals that may result.
It is important to remember that the I.G. report currently in the review and comment stage is but the second (McCabe was the first) of three, as Carter notes:
The report [under review and comment now] is expected to focus solely on the Clinton investigation and not on the 2016 Russia election meddling investigation, according to sources. ...
The Clinton report is expected to be followed by a third report on the IG's investigation into the FBI and DOJ's handling of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application on Carter Page, a former volunteer for the Trump campaign. The IG announced this investigation in March.
The "Crossfire Hurricane" story in the New York Times was playing defense on the FISA application investigation, it seems.  My speculation is that both phases of the I.G. report are close to being released.  Or else, the email investigation report makes reference to the counterintelligence investigation of Trump.  Because of the integrity of the I.G. office, we don't really know, but we will be finding out soon.

Leaked Julian Assange Message: Hillary Is A ‘Well Connected, Sadistic Sociopath’

A former Wikileaks volunteer has leaked private messages sent between Julian Assange and a group of his supporters to the Intercept. The messages, 11,000 in all, were sent privately on Twitter and stretch from mid-2015 to November 2017. The Intercept correctly points out that a lot of the points Assange made privately to the group he also made publicly in various interviews. What’s different about the messages is that they provide an “unfiltered window” into his thinking.
For instance, it’s no secret that Assange is not a fan of Hillary Clinton. In 2016 he said the pro-Clinton media was erecting a “demon,” one that would “put nooses around everyone’s neck” if Clinton were elected (video below). Still, in private, Assange was far less kind in his assessment of Hillary [emphasis added]:
“We believe it would be much better for GOP to win,” he typed into a private Twitter direct message group to an assortment of WikiLeaks’ most loyal supporters on Twitter. “Dems+Media+liberals woudl then form a block to reign in their worst qualities,” he wrote. “With Hillary in charge, GOP will be pushing for her worst qualities., dems+media+neoliberals will be mute.” He paused for two minutes before adding, “She’s a bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath.
Assange’s thinking appeared to be rooted not in ideological agreement with the right wing in the U.S., but in the tactical idea that a Republican president would face more resistance to an aggressive military posture than an interventionist President Hillary Clinton would.
A few more months into the primary season, after Super Tuesday, Assange decried the idea of Clinton in the “whitehouse with her bloodlutt and amitions of empire with hawkish liberal-interventionist appointees like [Anne-Marie] Slaughter and digital expansionists such as Google integrated into the power structure. Then the republicans and trump in opposition constantly saying she’s weak and not invading enough.”
Another 2016 mini-scandal mentioned in the message archive is the claim, by Roger Stone, that he had advance notice of material Wikileaks planned to release:
In the final months of the 2016 election, Stone repeatedly claimed that he had insider knowledge about WikiLeaks’ upcoming release of hacked emails. In early August 2016, Stone told a Florida Republican Party group, “I actually have communicated with Assange, including tweeting that ‘it will soon the [sic] Podesta’s time in the barrel’ before WikiLeaks published its cache of Podesta emails.” In the private Twitter group, WikiLeaks dismissed Stone’s claims, just as it had publicly. “Stone is a bullshitter,” Assange posted. “Trying to a) imply that he knows anything b) that he contributed to our hard work.”
There’s more in the article including Assange trash-talking one of the attorneys representing a woman who made sexual assault allegations against him and some comments about Chelsea Manning (Assange supports using Chelsea’s chosen pronouns but suggested a statue depicting Manning as a male might avoid offending audiences in some countries).
I didn’t read through the entire chat history but if what the Intercept published is the best/worst of it I don’t think Assange has too much to worry about. His dislike for Hillary was already evident and I’m sure she’s said the same or worse about him in semi-private.

Clinton Campaign Funneled $150,000 To Hillary Clinton’s Personal Company
Source: Daily Caller
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has transferred nearly $150,000 of leftover campaign funds to a company she solely owns in the months following her election defeat, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
13x13x1READ MORE
Background Notes from Judicial Watch

Clinton Documents Raise Questions on Benghazi, Clinton Foundation
Source: Judicial Watch
An August 2009 email chain including Hillary Clinton’s then- Chief of Staff Huma Abedin shows that the State Department coordinated with Clinton Foundation staff on how Mrs. Clinton to thank Foundation supporters/partners for their “commitments.”

READ May 20, 2018

Bill Clinton escaping the #MeToo standards and cashing in (again)

For some reason, despite the disgrace and career defenestration visited on other liberal icons like Charlie Rose and Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton is still able to cash in in a big way, and enjoy the company and implicit endorsement of major media companies and personalities. Yesterday, Jennifer Wright put into context the weird immunity granted to him, in the New York Post:
It’s 2018. One of the world’s most powerful married men had a 22-year-old intern perform oral sex on him in his office. He’s been accused of sexual assault by three other women. One claims, as is the case with so many of the men who have fallen from positions of power as a result, that he exposed himself to her (which always makes me, at least, pause and wonder why on earth so many men seem to want to do this). We know, too, that he lied about his tryst with the intern.
So why is Bill Clinton still presiding over glamorous parties? (snip) he’s almost certainly guilty of actions that would be categorized as harassment in 2018. The fact that the Lewinsky affair happened as long ago as 1995 is no matter.
Charlie Rose is accused of harassment by several employees dating back to the late 1990s — and he lost his job in November.
People seem curiously willing to hold Clinton to a different standard than other men accused of sexual harassment. Many don’t seem especially bothered by his actions at all and lay the blame for the scandal squarely on Lewinsky. In a 2014 Economist/YouGov poll, 58 percent of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, 48 percent had an unfavorable opinion of Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton is once again cashing in on a scale that dwarfs the income possibilities of ordinary Americans.  Isabel Vincent laid it out yesterday, also in the New York Post:
Bill Clinton will spend his summer rolling in dough.
Next month the former president is scheduled to crisscross the US and Canada in a promotional tour for his new novel, in some cases charging $1,500 a ticket for on-stage events, dubbed “A Conversation with President Bill Clinton.”
Clinton, already a best-selling author for his 2004 autobiography “My Life,” began raking in the cash for the fictional thriller that he wrote with mega-bestselling novelist James Patterson, before the book was finished. He and his co-author reportedly signed a seven-figure deal with Showtime last year for the rights to turn “The President is Missing” into a TV series.
Showtime is a subsidiary of Viacom, as is CBS, which fired Charlie Rose. Why the disparate standards? Are politicians (or at least Democrat presidents)  granted some sort of droit du seigneur over vulnerable and comely young interns and assistants that doesn’t apply to Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and other media grandees?
I wonder what Barack Obama has to say?
Oh, wait a minute: he already said it: “At some point, you’ve made enough money.”

Democrats wake up to what indulging the Clinton corruption has brought them

Leftists haven't stopped yelling about the 2016 election, but at least some of them are starting to wake up and smell the coffee they brewed themselves.
Josh Barro, a prominent and respected writer on the far left, has written a widely circulated article with this nut graf:
Here's one reason the Trump corruption scandals aren't connecting as much as they should: Before Democrats spent the past 18 months telling everyone this is not normal, they spent years reassuring voters that this was normal.
While I am a bit baffled about his claims of 'Trump corruption scandals' (what is he talking about?) the second half of his statement is dead on. Two can play that game. Or more accurately, the Clintons lowered the bar.
Up until now, this phenomenon has been quite opaque to leftists, who have repeatedly dismissed Clinton (and Obama) behavior as business as usual. Spying on political opponents, spying on the press, taking cash for foundation donations in exchange for policy decisions, was all claimed to be nothing, just as 'it's just about sex' had been. Democrats systematically corrupted the system with their 'we'll just have to win it, then' mentality, courtesy of the Clintons, and now have to contend with a rigged Democratic Party, they can't even blame Republicans for that one, it's all their own doing. Their Alinskyite 'by any means necessary' mentality has come back to bite them in the butts now. And now they have Trump to deal with. The very Trump of rising poll numbers, so lucky them.
What they did through this short term gain was open the door for someone else to take obvious transgressions that should have been nipped in the bud to ever greater extremes. The Stormy Daniels controversy, for instance, is a nothingburger to us now, because Bill Clinton and several Democrats before him already lowered the bar, thinking that if Democrats do it, it's all O.K.
Net result, voters just don't care.
Pat yourselves on the back for that, Democrats, because you are living in a 'new normal' of your own making.
Image credit: Democracy Chronicles, via Flickr // Creative Commons SA 2.0


The thuggishness of Barack was clear early on.  There was his land deal, wherein he enriched himself with Tony Rezko in Chicago.  All his political wins came by nefariously taking out his political opponents rather than beating them fairly in the arena of ideas.  Everyone should have known.


Hillary, Billary, Cosby, Buttman Affleck, Oliver Stone, Harvey Weinstein and their boy Obomb….. new definitions of
degradation and sleaze.                            

Harvey Weinstein has been exposed in the media as the sexual predator he is, and Hillary Clinton has been exposed as the craven money-grubber she is; money over morality is the mantra she lives by. PATRICIA Mc CARTHY – AMERICAN THINKERcom

The Clinton reckoning is tiptoeing in

This is a historic moment of bated breath and tight sphincters all over Clintonworld.  After decades of skating on their grifts, abuses, and outright crimes, a reckoning is coming.  And not just for the Hillary Clinton, but for her enablers.  The leaks begin about the I.G. report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation
Until Wednesday, there had been virtually no genuine leaks coming out of the inspector general's office at the Department of Justice – the sign of a probe with integrity. But that silence ended when the I.G.'s office circulated relevant portions of its report to people named in it, for their comments, which would be included when the report is published.

"With a cloth?"
The first sign was the now-infamous New York Times article, "Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation," in which, all of a sudden, it was officially admitted that the Trump campaign was spied on by the Obama intelligence apparatus and that at least one secret agent was employed.  Clearly, a major spin operation was underway in which damning facts to be revealed in an I.G. report are presented in the most favorable light possible and then can be dismissed as "old news" when the report is published.
But not everyone who now has seen portions of the report is playing defense.  Sara Carter is one of the key investigative reporters covering the biggest political scandal in American history.  She writes:
Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report, which is expected to be released within the next three to four weeks to the public, has been turned over to current and former officials for review, as first reported in The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
The draft, however, does not include any recommendations for criminal prosecution.  If there was any evidence collected by the Inspector General's office of criminality, Horowitz would then refer the matter to the Department of Justice and submit a criminal referral to prosecutors.
"It would be up to the Inspector General to make the recommendations but there is an expectation that there will be at least one referral for prosecution," said a source familiar with the findings, who added that it is not conclusive as the Inspector General's office never discusses ongoing investigations.
In other words, so far, nobody outside the tightly controlled I.G. office knows the nature of any criminal referrals resulting from the inquiry.  But the history of the investigation into Andrew McCabe, already made public before he was able to retire and collect extra retirement income, suggests that the I.G. is far from reluctant to make such referrals:
As for the criminal referrals, it would be similar to the outcome of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions after Horowitz's explosive first report released in April found that he lied multiple times about authorizing a leak to The Wall Street Journal.  In McCabe's case, Horowitz referred his findings to Sessions, who fired him several days before he was set to retire.  Horowitz also submitted a criminal referral on McCabe to the DOJ for possible criminal prosecution, as reported.  It would be up to Washington prosecutors to determine whether or not to move forward with the referral and it elevated the possibility that McCabe would be charged with a crime.  Horowitz's report concluded that McCabe had lied to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, as well as his investigators and others regarding his authorization of the leak.  McCabe lied on four occasions, three of those were under oath.
A.G. Sessions already revealed that John Huber, a U.S. attorney in Utah, has been charged with investigating scandals relating to Justice Department investigations of President Trump, and the U.S. attorney in Little Rock has a grand jury investigation underway.  So the pieces are in place for action on any referrals that may result.
It is important to remember that the I.G. report currently in the review and comment stage is but the second (McCabe was the first) of three, as Carter notes:
The report [under review and comment now] is expected to focus solely on the Clinton investigation and not on the 2016 Russia election meddling investigation, according to sources. ...
The Clinton report is expected to be followed by a third report on the IG's investigation into the FBI and DOJ's handling of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application on Carter Page, a former volunteer for the Trump campaign. The IG announced this investigation in March.
The "Crossfire Hurricane" story in the New York Times was playing defense on the FISA application investigation, it seems.  My speculation is that both phases of the I.G. report are close to being released.  Or else, the email investigation report makes reference to the counterintelligence investigation of Trump.  Because of the integrity of the I.G. office, we don't really know, but we will be finding out soon.

Leaked Julian Assange Message: Hillary Is A ‘Well Connected, Sadistic Sociopath’

A former Wikileaks volunteer has leaked private messages sent between Julian Assange and a group of his supporters to the Intercept. The messages, 11,000 in all, were sent privately on Twitter and stretch from mid-2015 to November 2017. The Intercept correctly points out that a lot of the points Assange made privately to the group he also made publicly in various interviews. What’s different about the messages is that they provide an “unfiltered window” into his thinking.
For instance, it’s no secret that Assange is not a fan of Hillary Clinton. In 2016 he said the pro-Clinton media was erecting a “demon,” one that would “put nooses around everyone’s neck” if Clinton were elected (video below). Still, in private, Assange was far less kind in his assessment of Hillary [emphasis added]:
“We believe it would be much better for GOP to win,” he typed into a private Twitter direct message group to an assortment of WikiLeaks’ most loyal supporters on Twitter. “Dems+Media+liberals woudl then form a block to reign in their worst qualities,” he wrote. “With Hillary in charge, GOP will be pushing for her worst qualities., dems+media+neoliberals will be mute.” He paused for two minutes before adding, “She’s a bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath.
Assange’s thinking appeared to be rooted not in ideological agreement with the right wing in the U.S., but in the tactical idea that a Republican president would face more resistance to an aggressive military posture than an interventionist President Hillary Clinton would.
A few more months into the primary season, after Super Tuesday, Assange decried the idea of Clinton in the “whitehouse with her bloodlutt and amitions of empire with hawkish liberal-interventionist appointees like [Anne-Marie] Slaughter and digital expansionists such as Google integrated into the power structure. Then the republicans and trump in opposition constantly saying she’s weak and not invading enough.”
Another 2016 mini-scandal mentioned in the message archive is the claim, by Roger Stone, that he had advance notice of material Wikileaks planned to release:
In the final months of the 2016 election, Stone repeatedly claimed that he had insider knowledge about WikiLeaks’ upcoming release of hacked emails. In early August 2016, Stone told a Florida Republican Party group, “I actually have communicated with Assange, including tweeting that ‘it will soon the [sic] Podesta’s time in the barrel’ before WikiLeaks published its cache of Podesta emails.” In the private Twitter group, WikiLeaks dismissed Stone’s claims, just as it had publicly. “Stone is a bullshitter,” Assange posted. “Trying to a) imply that he knows anything b) that he contributed to our hard work.”
There’s more in the article including Assange trash-talking one of the attorneys representing a woman who made sexual assault allegations against him and some comments about Chelsea Manning (Assange supports using Chelsea’s chosen pronouns but suggested a statue depicting Manning as a male might avoid offending audiences in some countries).
I didn’t read through the entire chat history but if what the Intercept published is the best/worst of it I don’t think Assange has too much to worry about. His dislike for Hillary was already evident and I’m sure she’s said the same or worse about him in semi-private.

Clinton Campaign Funneled $150,000 To Hillary Clinton’s Personal Company
Source: Daily Caller
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has transferred nearly $150,000 of leftover campaign funds to a company she solely owns in the months following her election defeat, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

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