Monday, November 7, 2016


For the sake of our reputation, American women cannot vote in the affirmative for Hillary Clinton, who represents such a low standard for a female leader.  For those women whose stomachs turn at the thought of voting for Donald Trump, on Tuesd...

Women: Vote as if a Legacy Depends on It

For the sake of our reputation, American women cannot vote in the affirmative for Hillary Clinton, who represents such a low standard for a female leader.  For those women whose stomachs turn at the thought of voting for Donald Trump, on Tuesday, November 8, vote for third-party candidate Jill Stein (Green Party) or Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party).
In 1992, informed women who had seen the disastrous 60 Minutes interview where Hillary Clinton lied and provided cover for her husband's sexual misconduct voted for Ross Perot.  It was an issue of integrity, and to this day, despite the fact that the 19 percent of the popular vote garnered by Ross Perot led to President Bill Clinton and a 20-year downward spiral into corruption and debasement of the office of U.S. president, these voters can hold their heads high, knowing that they did not unleash this corrupt couple onto America.
In the end, women of integrity must ask themselves: what kind of wife stays with a serial rapist, a molester, a womanizing philanderer?
Only an unprincipled, self-loathing person would stay with a man who, for decades, has been raping, molesting, and accosting members of her fair sex.  Worse, most of these inflictions have been against women in a subordinate political or financial position. 
Can this be anything but a sordid, calculated decision by one so corrupted by potential power, attention, and money that she can discard without compunction her "feminist values" to render herself a virtual human doormat, mouse, and living lie?
The depth of the decision to stay with an unrepentant criminal, seen in the cold light of day, is hardly the dreams of little girls.  At its very heart, we are dealing with a woman convinced she cannot do better.  It is solely through the myopic prism and crutch of her pathetic relationship that she sees herself successful.

Three Decades of Self-Abasement
For three decades now, Hillary Clinton has publicly abased herself 
before her husband, trashing his victims at every step of the way up 
the political staircase, while pretending at election time that his 
character is beyond reproach.  Further, her display of greedy 
insecurity has actually seemed to encourage rather than curtail her 
husband's predatory activities.
Imagine the self-disgust this initial decision to collaborate must have rendered and the mounting bitterness caused by the day-to-day servitude.  Hillary, a woman driven to complete paranoia over self-image, then knowingly concocts and spreads huge untruths, having, as she does, a corrupt media conglomerate to slander all of the victim-accusers of the sexual predator: 
"When this woman first got caught up in these charges, I felt, as I felt about all of these women, that, you know, they've just been minding their own business and got hit by a meteor."  –60 Minutes interview, where Hillary dismisses her husband's infidelities
"This was a woman who at least pretended that her life was ruined because somebody had alleged that she had a relationship, at some point, with Bill Clinton." –ABC News interview where Hillary characterizes her husband's mistress as a liar
"It is just a very unfortunate turn of events." –NBC News interview where Hillary blames the "vast right wing conspiracy" for the accusations about her husband's rampant womanizing
Is it possible that Ms. Clinton earnestly thinks she is tough, cool, and accomplished? 
Somehow, the lies she tells have to be worth it. 
The wilder the public humiliation, the more she is owed.  The thinly veiled lies, half-truths, and exaggerations have multiplied since her undeserved stints as senator and secretary of state.  Perceived enemies have become scapegoats, and she brags about accomplishments that never materialized:
"We came, he saw, he died." –CBS News interview where Hillary boasted about the murder of Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gaddafi
"[W]e are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." –CNN town hall response scoring "climate change" points at the expense of the livelihood of Americans
"I remember landing under sniper fire.  There was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars.  Now, that is what happened." –CBS News press conference touting her bravery under a nonexistent siege in Bosnia
At the end of her life, despite facing debilitating health issues that threaten her ability to walk without assistance, the spurned wife eschews a life of leisure to prove that all along she was a woman worthy of respect.  She surrounds herself with sycophants, hides out from the media, and plots to avenge her shame.
Second-Class Citizens
If Hillary Clinton wins the race for president of the United States on November 8, the nation will have only women to blame, as they constitute a majority of her support, and that blame will come swiftly in a backlash unlike any this nation has ever seen.
The heretofore uniform inability of the cache of feminists to even begin to castigate Bill Clinton for his escapades with a low-placed intern such as Monica Lewinksy led to a more laissez-faire attitude toward workplace sexual harassment. 
Electing his wife of 41 years to the presidency will have far greater consequences, as respect for American women's judgment will surely plummet.  Women will be seen as having voted for emotional reasons.
Can American women be so badly deceived that they would be willing to place a corrupted wife who stands by her serial rapist, molesting husband on a pedestal? 
As the first female American president, this low standard for a female leader will eventually become part of the collective culture and metastasize into a misogynist, sexist belief system, simpatico with the one held by third-world men, that women cannot be trusted to make big decisions.
Women will likely be seen as and truly will become second-class citizens, if not legally, then de facto in their workplaces, homes and public spaces as they are passed over for jobs, promotions, and opportunities to accumulate wealth. 
If she wins, Hillary Clinton, as president, will not have the moral authority to advocate for women.  She lost that when she rode the coattails of her scoundrel husband at the expense of the pain, heartache, and tears of the women and children he left in his wake. 
Professionally, the dear secretary has proven inept at every stage of her public service, outside the bounds of law, and, personally, woefully lacking in her respect for the institution of marriage.
It may be that most Americans have already decided for whom they will vote in this presidential election, and that little could change their minds.
For those women who cannot vote for Donald Trump for ideological reasons, vote third party.  Honor the right to vote and the American sisterhood.  Vote as if the 19th Amendment depends upon it.      
Dr. Marguerite Creel has a doctorate in public administration from the University of Southern California.  She has taught government at University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Peace College, and UNC-Chapel Hill.



Clinton amnesty plan
would cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion

Hillary Clinton's plan to bring 11 million illegal aliens
"out of the shadows" would cost American households an immediate
tax increase of $1.2 trillion, or $15,000 per household, according to a study
by the National Academy of Sciences.



History of the Rapist in the
White House



History of the Rapist in the
White House



Looks as if the Clinton Foundation was used to enrich Chelsea and her husband

WikiLeaks has released an email from Doug Band, the former Clinton body man who rose to bag man, claiming by implication that Chelsea Clinton committed a felony by appropriating charitable funds for her personal gain.  If the IRS is not blatantly corrupt and these charges are true, the Foundation loses its tax-exempt status, and probably American donors must pay taxes on their donations.
 Former President Bill Clinton’s top aide wrote in 2012 that Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation resources “for her wedding and life for a decade” and a top Foundation donor was responsible for “killing” unfavorable press coverage – all as an internal Foundation audit uncovered numerous conflicts of interest and “quid pro quo benefits,” according to emails released Sunday by WikiLeaks.
Doug Band, founder of global strategies company Teneo and Bill Clinton’s personal assistant since the 1990s, wrote the Jan. 4, 2012, email to future Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta and two other Clinton aides after receiving word that Chelsea had told “one of the [President] bush 43 kids” and others about “an internal investigation of money within the foundation.” Band wrote such chatter was “not smart.”
“The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….,” Band wrote. “I hope that you will speak to her and end this[.] Once we go down this road….”
If this isn’t blackmail, what is it?  Not gossip.
The idea of the child of a politician paying for a lavish wedding with money stolen from taxpayers (the donors’ tax deductions denied funds to the Treasury) just reeks of a banana republic.  And by the way, who paid for the 10-million-dollar apartment in Manhattan?  What accomplishments enabled Chelsea an her husband Mark to afford such dreamy digs?
Maybe this?  Kenneth Vogel writes at Politico:
Chelsea Clinton’s husband used his connections to the Clinton family and their charitable foundation to raise money for his hedge fund, according to an allegation by a longtime Clinton aide made public Sunday in hacked documents released by WikiLeaks.
Marc Mezvinsky extended invitations to a Clinton Foundation poker event to rich Clinton supporters he was courting as investors in his hedge fund, and he also relied on a billionaire foundation donor to raise money for the fund, according to the WikiLeaks documents. They also assert that he had his wife Chelsea Clinton make calls to set up meetings with potential investors who support her family’s political and charitable endeavors.
To paraphrase Mel Brooks: It’s good to be in the ruling class.
Once again, the claim comes in emails from Doug Band.  He strikes me as the sort of guy an honest A.G. might strike a deal with, conditioned on him singing like a bird.
There’s only one way that will happen, and tomorrow is the decision point.

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