Sunday, May 5, 2024



Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police State Yet?

Increasing numbers of worried Americans have been wondering over the last few years whether progressive Democrats have succeeded in creating a police state in America. From the Russia Hoax to the revelations of the Twitter Files release, to the coordinated attempts to quash scandalous and true Biden family stories, to the blatant display of dual justice, they’ve seen that the cabal of one political party, with its power bases in the government and the sycophant media, has succeeded in limiting or destroying political opponents while eliminating individual rights. Just how bad is it? Has that cabal suspended our American Constitution and Bill of Rights and created an authoritarian alternative? Are we there yet?

In his piece “Shock and Awe on the Campaign Trail,” Roger Kimball outlines the numerous and egregious illegalities and irregularities taking place in the legal assault on candidate Trump and asks, “Why are people not up in arms over these revelations?” Similarly, in his interview with Mike Davis, who founded the “Article III Project,” Steve Bannon says, “I don’t know why people are not more on fire with the ridiculousness, the obvious lawfare, which is working, because Trump is not on the campaign trail.”

These are important questions as we look at the nearly countless unprecedented actions involved in some 91 counts of alleged wrongdoing in federal and local indictments filed against the leading presidential candidate. From the eye-popping civil suit verdicts overseen by judges with serious conflicts of interest to attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in several states, to charges related to classified document handling, to the most recent gag order, these efforts have flown in the face of precedent, due process, and equal protection at nearly every turn. They have already achieved much of what they were intended to do: Greatly hamstring (draining time and financial resources) the leading threat to Democrat party/government power.

But why haven’t we seen more overt objection to this travesty, such as more poster-carrying, angry citizens outside of the Trump trial courtrooms, on campuses, at congressional hearings, and in the streets? Part of the answer to this question has to do with the intended target for the shock and awe. It isn’t Donald Trump. As Trump has correctly observed, he is just in the way. No, the primary targets of the shock and awe are people like you and me. And the left may well have hit their mark.

Could it be that the average non-leftist citizen now feels both powerless and terrified to object to any of these injustices? They see the brutal treatment meted out to President Trump, his associates,  and his legal team, on the one hand, versus the reverence for a president whose family has inexplicably received millions of dollars from foreign sources and for violent protesters who have magically escaped jail time, or of crack-using, tax-dodging Biden family members.

Consider the brazenness and audacity of this administration, including its DOJ, over the last several years. Their targeted victims have purposely included some of the most credentialed, accomplished, prominent, well-connected, and well-heeled Americans, people such as cabinet members, generals, journalists, and even attorneys of those same victims. Other victims have been ordinary folk, such as people’s friends, family members, parents opposing sexualized curricula at their kids’ schools, or peaceful men and women holding up signs near an abortion clinic.

All of these people, both the prominent and the ordinary, have been subjected to SWAT raids, shackles and frog marches, subpoenas, lawsuits, IRS visits, prison, solitary confinement, and other humiliations. They have seen that anyone whose views or behavior are not to the liking of the Democrat/government/media cabal is a potential victim of the authoritarian state through censorship or lawfare, or both. The message to Joe Citizen is clear: “If we can take down these people, including a U.S. president and billionaire and anyone who supports him, just imagine what we can do to you.”

But that citizen doesn’t have to imagine that message. It is on clear display with the plight of those who wandered around the Capitol on January 6, with some who committed no violence, including seemingly being convicted for wearing a funny horned hat, sentenced to years of prison.

Many of these people have been incarcerated for years, some in solitary confinement, without even being charged, let alone tried, and without access either to medical care or the evidence that would likely exonerate them. Of course, the mainstream media does its part to justify such treatment with the mantra that January 6th represented a massive threat to American democracy.

In sum, it appears that the shock and awe are working. Americans are likely terrified that the extensive lawfare being waged against Trump and others can and will be directed at them if they act or perhaps even speak up incorrectly (e.g., opposing the leftist agenda in any way).

It is not coincidental that the left has accelerated the lawfare as the election looms closer and Biden’s numbers have worsened. Per Gallup, President Biden’s latest quarterly average approval rating hit a new all-time low of 38.7%—which ranks 277th out of 314 presidential quarters in Gallup records dating to 1945—the bottom 12% of all presidential quarters. Gallup points out that not only is Biden’s support weak among Republicans but among independents as well, and there is little indication that it will improve anytime soon. Progressive Democrats now see lawfare as their best chance to produce a result that American voters likely will not.

So, what happens when we follow this path to its end? It is likely that at least one of the kangaroo courts will convict Donald Trump for something criminal. They were giddy about hitting his finances for hundreds of millions of dollars of ridiculous verdicts, but they know that isn’t enough. They need him in jail, and it is more likely than not that they will put him there.

Our mainstream media will cheer. It will be a travesty and a very dark day for America, but don’t expect the left to treat it that way. Anyone who points that out and refuses to acknowledge Donald Trump as a “criminal” or even “felon” will likely be given the J6 treatment by the cabal.

What’s the telling difference between an isolated violation of liberty and a police state? The former is openly identified, condemned, and protested by both the public and the media. In the latter, the public already knows better than to speak up, and the media are complicit. Let us hope that the answer to Mr. Kimball’s question about why more people aren’t up in arms isn’t because we are already there.

Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam in Biden’s America by AI






Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school




Biden was 25 in 1967, and was attending Syracuse University College of Law, from which he graduated 76th in a class of 85 in 1968. By 1967, when he  supposedly talking to the Egyptian government on behalf of Golda

 Meir, he had already embarked upon his career of lying. A Syracuse

 College of Law faculty report on December 1, 1965 stated that  Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.


Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied about scholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about

his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the

circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married.     MARK CHRISTIAN



Big media and Big Tech colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  A poll showed that nearly four of five Americans believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of that election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million, which enabled far-left activists to target specific key districts in swing states, redesign ballots to their advantage, overrule local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.



There you have it – the Democratic Party in all its totalitarian glory. Whatever obstacles its members may face, their instinctive response is always the same: iron-fisted thuggery.


The Eyes of Totalitarianism

It’s not your grandfather’s Democrat Party.

April 20, 2023 by John Perazzo 29



The iconic broadcaster, author, and legal scholar Mark Levin recently observed: “As a nation we’ve now turned the corner. We’ve turned the corner into a hard tyranny…. I just want the audience to know that we are staring into the face of tyranny, that the Democrat Party is a totalitarian party.”

And indeed, it is. To recognize this, we need only to listen when Democrats tell us – repeatedly – of their burning desire to “transform” the U.S. into a radicalized cesspool by such means as:

· ending the filibuster rule so they can forcibly ram their radical legislation through the Senate;

· governing via presidential executive orders rather than navigating the normal legislative process;

· promoting immigration and border policies designed to import massive blocs of foreigners who will eventually become reliable Democrat voters for generations to come;

· turning the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico into new U.S. states, thereby allowing Democrats to permanently pack the Senate with four additional members of their party;

· expanding the Supreme Court and packing it with newly appointed leftist ideologues;

· openly defying that same Supreme Court whenever its rulings conflict with Democrat Party preferences;

· forcibly censoring the free expression of any ideas that conflict with Democrat values; and

· pursuing the impeachment and imprisonment of their political foes on the flimsiest pretexts imaginable.

Below is an abundant collection of remarkable quotes by which immensely powerful Democrats in recent times have openly and proudly promoted the objectives enumerated above, like the domineering totalitarian thugs that they are.

Barack Obama (GAMER LAWYER)

During a campaign stop in Missouri five days before Election Day 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama famously said, to thunderous applause: “Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: Five days. Five days…. [W]e are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Three months earlier, when candidate Obama spoke in July 2008 to the open-borders group, National Council of La Raza, he stated that “together, we won’t just win an election; we will transform this nation.”

And a year before that, on July 17, 2007, candidate Obama spoke before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to advocate for unfettered abortion rights and said: “I am absolutely convinced that we’re not just going to win an election, but more importantly we’re going to transform this nation.”

Indeed, nearly two decades earlier, in an interview published by the Daily Herald on March 3, 1990, Obama had candidly articulated his desire to “reshape America” and “be part of a transformation of this country.”

The Democratic Party’s 2016 Platform

In 2016, the Democratic Party’s official platform said that in an effort “to end institutional and systemic racism in our society … [w]e will push for a societal transformation.”


At a March 26, 2019 presidential campaign event in New York City, Joe Biden said: “We all have an obligation to do nothing less than change the culture in this country. This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change.”

On April 13, 2020, Biden said “we can transform this nation … so that [my administration] goes down in history … as one of the most progressive administrations since Roosevelt.”

On May 4, 2020, Biden characterized the coronavirus pandemic as an “incredible opportunity … to fundamentally transform the country.”

In early June 2020, Biden stated that America needed to make “revolutionary institutional changes.”

On July 4, 2020, Biden pledged to “rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country” and “transform” it.

On July 13, 2020, Biden promised to make “systemic” and “institutional” changes to American society.

On October 29, 2020, Biden channeled Obama’s famous utterance from 12 years earlier and said: “Five days left [until Election Day]. Five days. I believe when you use your power, the power of the vote, we literally are going to change the course of this country for generations to come.”

Shortly after two mass shootings that had killed a combined total of 18 people in Colorado and Georgia, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced on March 24, 2021 that President Biden was planning to issue executive orders to address the issue of gun violence, and was “not waiting for anything to fail” in Congress.

In a September 9, 2021 speech announcing new federal COVID vaccine mandates, Biden said: “And tonight, I’m calling on all governors to require vaccination for all teachers and staff…. Let me be blunt. My plan also takes on elected officials in states that are undermining [teachers] and these lifesaving actions. […]  If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

On September 25, 2021, Biden said the following about the $1.9 trillion infrastructure bill that he was promoting: “My first piece of economic legislation will “fundamentally change the structure and the nature of the economy in this country.”

On October 4, 2021, Biden – citing the October 18 deadline by which time the Democrat-controlled Congress was seeking to raise the federal debt limit in order to allow for more government borrowing – condemned Senate Republicans for using the filibuster rule to block such a measure. “Republicans just have to let us do our job,” said Biden. “Just get out of the way. If you don’t want to help save the country, get out of the way so you don’t destroy it.”

On October 5, 2021, Biden said there was a “real possibility” that Senate Democrats might use their razor-thin majority to suspend the filibuster rule so they could forcibly raise the debt ceiling even with no Republican support at all.

During a June 30, 2022 press conference, Biden was asked what “specific actions” he might take in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. “I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law,” he said, “and the way to do that is to make sure Congress votes to do that. And if the filibuster gets in the way … we provide an exception for this, we require an exception to the filibuster for this action to deal with the Supreme Court decision.”

During a September 30, 2022 speech for Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden celebrated what he viewed as the political benefits of the mass migration – legal and illegal — of Mexicans and Central Americans into the United States. “When in American history has there been a circumstance where one ethnicity has the potential to have such a profound impact on the direction of a country?” he asked rhetorically. “Twenty-six percent of every child who’s in school today speaks Spanish — 26 percent,” Biden added.

Bernie Sanders

In October 2019, then-presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said in a tweet: “Our campaign is not only about changing the system politically and economically. We will change the value system of this country.”

In August 2020, Sanders, who by then had dropped out of the presidential race, said that “when Joe Biden is elected president, when we have a Democratic House, when we have a Democratic Senate, we can begin the process of transforming this government and our nation.”

Charles Schumer (GAMER LAWYER)

In a September 30, 2020 interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, then-Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer speculated about what he and his fellow Democrats could accomplish if they were to win both the White House and a majority in the U.S. Senate: “I’m not busting my chops to become majority leader to do very little or nothing, We are going to get a whole lot done. And as I’ve said, everything, everything is on the table.” He further elaborated: “I would — believe me, on D.C. and Puerto Rico … I’d love to make them states.”

On the afternoon of November 7, 2020 — shortly after America’s largest media networks announced that Joe Biden had won the Electoral College vote in the disputed 2020 presidential election — Schumer, raising a clenched left fist for emphasis, told a jubilant crowd of supporters in Brooklyn: “Now we take Georgia, and then we change the world! Now we take Georgia, and then we change America!” (This was a reference to the two upcoming Senate runoff elections slated for January 5, 2021 in Georgia. If the Democrats could win both, they would gain control of the U.S. Senate.)

In a January 30, 2021 interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC’s Politics Nation, Schumer, who was now the Senate Majority Leader, re-emphasized his commitment to bringing transformational change to the United States: “Well, Rev, we have one goal: big, bold change in America” which would include “dealing with D.C. and Puerto Rican statehood.” He also articulated his desire to end the Senate filibuster rule, thereby empowering his party to ram its radical agenda down the throat of a deeply divided nation at a time when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate by the slimmest of margins.

At a March 16, 2021 press conference, Schumer spoke about the prospect of Democrats either dispensing with the Senate filibuster rule, or circumventing it by means of the budget reconciliation process (by which budget-related bills can pass with a simple majority and do not require 60 votes to overcome a filibuster). “[W]e must get bold change,” he said. “And if our Republican friends block it, we’re going to put our heads together and figure out the best way to go. Everything’s on the table. It’s plain and simple.”

· This was a stark contrast to what Schumer had said about the prospect of ending the filibuster in 2005, when Republicans held a solid majority in the Senate. SaidSchumer at that time: “The ideologues in the Senate want to turn what the Founding Fathers called ‘the cooling saucer of democracy’ into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. We will not let them. They want – because they can’t get their way on every judge – to change the rules in midstream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic, where if you don’t get your way, you change the rules…. It would be a doomsday for democracy if we do.”

· Schumer had similarly spoken out against ending the filibuster in April 2017, when he suggested that President Donald Trump should replace his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, with “a mainstream nominee” who would be able to garner 60 votes in the Senate — rather than allowing the majority Republicans to do away with the filibuster and confirm Gorsuch with a simple majority vote: “Look, when a nominee doesn’t get 60 votes, you shouldn’t change the rules, you should change the nominee.”

On October 4, 2021, Senator Schumer, who wished to be able to raise the federal debt ceiling without any Republican support whatsoever, said: “We only ask that they [the Republicans] get out of the way, let Democrats pass it on our own …”


In September 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared: “We can impeach him [Trump] every day of the week for anything he does.”

On October 12, 2021, Pelosi lamented the fact that some Democrats wished to scale back their party’s ten-year, $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” spending bill. But she vowed that while the legislation’s price tag might be negotiated down, changes to the bill “only would be [made] in such a way that does not undermine the transformative nature of it.”


During an October 12, 2021 press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki discussed the ongoing negotiation between Democrat legislators vis-a-vis the $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” bill that the Biden administration was hoping to pass. “The president wants to make fundamental change in our economy, and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that,” she said.


At a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation event on September 21, 2017, Rep. Maxine Waters asserted that Congress could impeach President Trump for any reason it chose. “Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is,” she said. “There is no law that can dictate impeachment. What the Constitution says is high crimes and misdemeanors, and we define that.”

In a July 22, 2019 tweet, Waters predicted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s appearance before Congress on July 24 would open the door for Democrats to impeach President Trump “immediately” and then incarcerate him. Wrote Waters: “Impeachment first, prison next!”

After the Supreme Court officially announced its decision to strike down Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, Waters, flanked by fellow Congressional Democrat Al Green, joined a throng of pro-abortion activists outside the Supreme Court building and told reporters: “You ain’t seen nothing yet. Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!”


In a June 30, 2022 appearance on MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson Reports, Senator Ed Markey exhorted the Senate to eliminate the filibuster rule and pass “abortion rights” that would circumvent the recent Supreme Court decision and permanently enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Said Markey: “I think the Congress should take up the offer that Joe Biden has made to repeal the filibuster. Carve out of the filibuster an exception for abortion rights …”

Mazie Hirono (GAMER LAWYER)

In an interview with CNN on March 5, 2021, Senator Mazie Hirono said: “I definitely support filibuster reform, and part of that is ending the filibuster. It could be totally, or it could be for certain kinds of bills, but I’m definitely open to making those kinds of changes so we can get things done …”


On March 19, 2021, Senator Dianne Feinstein released a statement saying that, contrary to her previously articulated position, she was now supportive of ending the Senate filibuster: “[I]f … Republicans continue to abuse the filibuster by requiring cloture votes, I’m open to changing the way the Senate filibuster rules are used.”


In a June 23, 2021 interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Senator Bob Menendez said he was in favor of enacting a “democracy exception” to the filibuster rule in order to enable Democrats to pass the “For the People Act,” their radical “election-reform” bill, with a simple majority in the U.S. Senate.


At a July 26, 2021 media briefing, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of a new initiative allocating $15 million in taxpayer funds to promote the vaccination of the 3.5 million New Yorkers who had not yet been inoculated against coronavirus. “We have to get in those communities,” he said, “and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”

Cedric Richmond (GAMER LAWYER)

On September 9, 2021, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond stated that President Biden would “run over” any Republican governors who might try to resist the new federal vaccine mandates. “The one thing I admire about this president,” said Richmond, “is the fact that we are always going to put people above politics. And those governors that stand in the way, I think, it was very clear from the president’s tone [in his speech] today that he will run over them.”


On September 7, 2021, Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to CEO Andy Jassy, demanding that the company use its algorithms to suppress the sale of books that, according to the senator, were spreading “COVID-19 misinformation.”

Ilhan Omar

In September 2019, Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough said it was “not appropriate” for Senate Democrats to attempt to pass their proposed pathway-to-citizenship provision by means of the budget reconciliation process which would require only a simple majority rather than the normal 60 votes. In response to that, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted: “This ruling by the parliamentarian is only a recommendation. Sen. Schumer and the White House can and should ignore it.”

Mondaire Jones (GAMER LAWYER)

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on June 2, 2022, New York Democrat Mondaire Jones delivered an impassioned speech stating that Republicans would not be able to prevent the majority Democrats from using every trick at their disposal to pass gun-control legislation in Congress: “You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today. You will not stop us from passing it in the House next week. And you will not stop us there. If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”

Julian Castro (GAMER LAWYER)

In January 2013, San Antonio mayor Julian Castro spoke with CBS News’ Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation and predicted that because of mass immigration from Central America — both legal and illegal — the state of Texas would soon change from majority-Republican to majority-Democrat. Said Castro with delight: “In a couple of presidential cycles, you’ll be on election night, you’ll be announcing we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing. It’s going to become a purple state and then a blue state, because of the demographics, because of the population growth of folks from outside of Texas …”

Pramila Jayapal

During a January 2, 2022 appearance on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show, Rep. Pramila Jayapal applauded Twitter for its decision to permanently ban the personal account of Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, according to the social media giant, had been spreading “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccines designed to combat it. “I think it’s just as well that we take one voice [Greene’s] that is deliberately spreading disinformation out of the mix as much as possible,” said Jayapal. “That’s certainly a good thing.”

Ruben Gallego

On February 22, 2022, Rep. Ruben Gallego called for government and law-enforcement agencies to forcibly seize and then give away the vehicles of truck drivers who were heading to the District of Columbia in a peaceful convoy to protest the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business,” Gallego tweeted.


There you have it – the Democratic Party in all its totalitarian glory. Whatever obstacles its members may face, their instinctive response is always the same: iron-fisted thuggery.

If the Senate filibuster rule thwarts the Democrats’ legislative desires, they portray it as an antiquated relic of a racist epoch and demand that it be canceled.

If Democrats’ control of the U.S. Senate hangs precariously in the balance, they demand the sudden creation of a group of brand new majority-Democrat states that each will yield two new Democrat senators.

If Democrats are unable to cobble together electoral majorities in a few crucial swing states, they import massive blocs of people from across the globe who will eventually become reliable Democrat voters for generations to come.

If the radical-left Justices who sit on the Supreme Court are outnumbered by their originalist colleagues, Democrats seek to expand the Court and then pack it with newly appointed leftist ideologues to rubber-stamp every Democrat agenda item.

When that same Supreme Court issues rulings that conflict with Democratic Party preferences, the Democrats pledge with passionate zeal to defy those rulings.

If anyone dares to challenge Democrat positions on matters like the merits of critical race theory, COVID vaccine mandates, “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors, or claims that the 2020 presidential election was rife with Democrat corruption, Democrats respond by demanding that the most influential social-media platforms on Earth should censor and ban such heretics from the digital public square.

And, when challenged by a former Republican President who was highly effective at exposing and mocking the vapidity of various left-wing ideals and policies, the Democrats, in the longstanding tradition of fascists and communists from across the globe, simply call for his impeachment, arrest, and imprisonment.

If Democrats are not the party of totalitarianism, what else would you call them?


George Soros: A New Kind of Tyrant?

By Diana Mary Sitek

The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.


Bidenite lies, statistics, and reality

Most of the media, Joe Biden, his administration, and other Democrats seem to live in an alternate reality.

We are constantly told that Biden inherited an economic disaster and his great economic policies have turned the economy around—the reality is that he inherited a rapidly growing economy with inflation below two percent, and his policies have decimated the purchasing power of most Americans, resulting in an economic disaster. A huge percentage of Americans are digging into savings, running up credit card debt, and falling behind on their loans, just to pay ordinary bills. Few young people can afford to buy a house in today’s market.

We are told that Biden’s policies have brought inflation under control—the reality suggests that is not true. There is no way that inflation for the poor and middle classes, for necessities like food, energy, utilities, housing, repairs, and insurance is down to around 3% like the regime claims.

We are told that inflation since Biden has been elected is around 20%, but that seems low with food up over 35%, and energy prices, which affect everything, up over 59%. Crude oil is up around 100%, and it is used in over 6,000 products.

The stock market is at or near record highs, but what is the reality of how ordinary Americans are doing? It is hard to get a perfect answer, but here is my best guess:

In 2020, at the end of Trump’s four years, the average balance of 401K plans was $129,157; in 2023, that number was $118,600, in March 2024, the average was $115,710, or down over 10% from 2020. If they had just kept up with inflation of 20% the average would be up to over $155,000, so Americans have fallen $40,000 behind under Biden. That is reality.

Here is what I consider a humorous statistic: the total average is $115,710, yet males average $89,000 and females average $59,000. So which sex brings the average up to $115,710?

We are constantly told by Biden and others that Trump’s tax rate cuts cost trillions, yet the reality is that tax revenues are up substantially under the lower rates. Biden also tells the lie that billionaires only pay 8%, when the richest 1% pay over a 26% rate.

Here are some facts about government spending: In FY 2019, before COVID, the federal government spent $4.45 trillion; for FY 2025, Biden is proposing spending $7.3 trillion, which is over a 50% increase in six years. Why is the government growing twice as fast as inflation? The reality is that Biden and the Democrats want big government.

If the economy is doing so well, why do Democrats continually raise subsidies for everything and why does Biden unconstitutionally pay off student loans?

The massive government spending and deficits are clearly hiding the reality of weakness in the private sector. From Cato:

Federal spending jumped from $4.45 trillion in 2019 to $6.21 trillion in 2023, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That is a 40 percent increase in four years.

So what are Biden’s main proposals for his second term when Americans are under such economic distress?

Regulations to destroy all natural gas, and coal power plants? Check.

Why would anyone with a brain do that when the demand for power is going to skyrocket with data-processing centers, AI, crypto-currencies and all the new demand with electric vehicles? The inflationary pressure from these radical policies will be massive.

Let Trump’s tax rates for individuals, which will greatly harm the purchasing power of all taxpayers, especially the poor and middle classes, expire? Check.

Why would anyone raise tax rates when the lower rates generated more revenue and economic growth, unless facts don’t matter?

Raise capital gains rates substantially on wealthier individuals? Check.

Raise corporate taxes so they have less to spend and invest and to essentially encourage them to move to lower tax countries? Check.

These higher rates will put pressure on stock prices when most Americans, other than government pensioners, don’t have enough retirement savings.

Then, Biden and many Democrats propose the most idiotic and unconstitutional tax of all: taxing unrealized gains. Can anyone imagine the arguments about values? (Maybe Letitia James and her judge could be the experts.)

Would Biden and the Democrats give refunds in years where the market and real estate prices crashed? That is a joke. Of course not.

Here’s what economist/stock broker Peter Schiff said:

Peter Schiff Blasts Biden's Proposed Taxes As ‘Blatantly Illegal’

‘The worst of the capital gains tax is that Biden wants to impose a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains, which is definitely unconstitutional because it’s not an income tax. … If you haven’t realized the gain, you have no income subject to tax under the 16th amendment. It’s a property tax. You’re taxing property, and property taxes are direct taxes. They’re still bound by the rule of apportionment. They’re not exempted through the 16th amendment, so it would be unconstitutional.’

It is clear that Biden has lived in an alternate reality for a long time: He was very involved in the Civil Rights movement, he grew up in the Puerto Rican community, he went to black churches, he saved many lives while a lifeguard, he was a superior athlete, a brilliant law student, he took trains across a car bridge, he drove an 18-wheeler, and his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

He is so confused that he believes he has the power to control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity.

It is a true shame that most of the media wants Americans to be imprisoned for four more years under this extreme, radical, intentional destruction of America. They also live in a bubble with other people who have an alternate reality. Facts haven’t mattered for a long time.

DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons\r\n\r\nunaltered

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.


Poll: Nearly Seven in Ten Think Joe Biden’s America Is ‘Out of Control’

President Joe Biden listens as he meets with Iraq's Prime Minister Shia al-Sudani in
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The vast majority of respondents in a YouGov/Economist poll believe that President Joe Biden’s America is “out of control.”

The poll, published on Wednesday, asked 1,755 Americans whether they felt “things in this country these days are” “under control” or “out of control.” An overwhelming majority of 68 percent believe things are “out of control,” while a mere 16 percent think things are “under control.”

It comes as widespread anti-Israel protests consume college campuses, as the economy is still reeling from 40-year-high inflation, and as an illegal immigration crisis persists at the U.S. southern border.

RELATED: Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian Protesters Clash at UCLA

Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart News

The survey found that more Democrats believe “things” are out of control (48 percent) than under control (31 percent) in the United States. Just five percent did not have an opinion.

Seventy percent of independents believe the country is out of control, as do nearly 90 percent of Republicans. Just 11 percent of independents say the country is under control. Majorities across all sub-demographics of race, gender, age, and income think it is out of control.

Similarly, the poll finds that 66 percent of Americans say the country is “off on the wrong track,” while 21 percent say it is “generally headed in the right direction.” Twelve percent did not have opinions one way or another.

Those who believe the country is headed in the wrong direction include 72 percent of independents, 87 percent of Republicans, 42 percent of Democrats, and majorities in all age, gender, and income demographics.

Biden’s approval rating in this poll is 37 percent, while 58 percent give his presidential performance negative marks.

The top issue for voters in this poll was inflation and prices, with 23 percent of respondents selecting it as the most important issue. Though they may not have selected it as their top issue personally, nearly all respondents (96 percent) said inflation and prices were important issues to them. This included 77 percent of all respondents who said the issue is “very important.”

Biden has an abysmal approval rating of just 29 percent regarding his handling of inflation, while 61 percent are dissatisfied with how he has approached the problem.

The poll was conducted from April 28-30, 2024, and has a margin of error of ± 2.9 percentage points.

Garland also claimed falsely that the new law ensures “the protection of Americans’ privacy and civil liberties,” and the intelligence agencies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will “continue to uphold our commitment to protect the rights of all Americans.”



Here is the problem in a nutshell.  Most Democrat voters don't realize that leftist idealogues have hijacked the Democrat party, actively pushing traditional Democrat politicians out.  They don't yet understand that the Democrat party they knew doesn't exist anymore.  Almost all of the major news organizations work together to lie to Democrat voters and feed them misinformation constantly.  Corrupted government entities like the FBI and the DOJ, and the leftists running all social media, have worked together to censor and silence any dissenting voices.  The goal is to create a false reality in the eyes of Democrat voters and shield them from the truth.  This is vital to ensure their continued support on Election Day.                                                      IAN MacCONNELL

Ben Carson Warns Of 'An Entirely New Threat To Our Country'


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police, and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to undeclared nuclear war                             REP.    TULSI GABBARD


Tulsi Gabbard Speech on President Biden

Breaking Biden AuthorMeet Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joes Bagman

Seemingly his entire life, Joe Biden’s brother James “Jim” Biden has benefitted from his brother’s political status. At various moments, he has been a campaign finance maven, a nightclub owner, and a hedge fund mastermind. Jim appears to be a man who wears many hats; but in actuality, he only wears one: Joe Biden’s brother.


Jim Biden's Former Business Partner Reveals First Brother's Qatari Ties: Report

James Biden (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
April 29, 2024

President Joe Biden's brother Jim worked with Qatari government officials to secure funding for his health care ventures in the United States, according to testimony from his former business partner that Politico reported on Sunday.

Fund manager Michael Lewitt's testimony revealed closer than previously known ties between the first brother and officials from the oil-rich Middle Eastern nation, Politico reported. The Qatari government has funded and sheltered terrorists across the Middle East, including senior Hamas leaders who were responsible for the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Lewitt said that "members of the Qatari government" partly owned two companies with which Biden worked to raise money for the struggling hospital chain Americore Health.

The Platinum Group USA "partnered directly with Jim Biden in the multi-year fundraising efforts," while Obermeyer Engineering Consulting "provided financial backing for a series of loans that a hospital chain paid Jim Biden to arrange," according to the report.

The president's brother also boasted of the Biden family's political connections in a letter to an official at the Qatar Investment Authority, the country's sovereign wealth fund.

"My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency," Jim Biden said in the letter. "On behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here."

Lewitt is set to face questions about his testimony against Biden in an upcoming interview with House impeachment inquiry investigators, although the date of the interview has not been announced.

"If substantiated, the alleged arrangements would constitute some of the closest known financial links between a relative of President Joe Biden and a foreign government," Politico noted in the report.

Published under: Jim Biden Joe Biden Qatar

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

Through Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), the committee discovered in March that Biden associate Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Comer believes the $200,000 payment is suspicious because the money flowed through a distressed entity, Americore, which loaned James Biden $600,000. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired him $200,000. That same day, James Biden sent Joe Biden a $200,000 check.

James Biden is Joe Biden’s younger brother and Hunter Biden’s uncle. James and Hunter were business partners with CEFC China Energy Co., an organization closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Report: Jim Biden Was in Business with Qatari Officials, According to Testimony

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 21: James Biden, a consultant and brother of U.S. President Joe
Kevin Dietsch/Getty

Hunter Biden was not the only family member who leveraged ties to President Joe Biden to win business deals with business partners linked to foreign governments, a Politico report details.

According to the outlet, Jim Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother, was in business with Qatari officials to fund his health care ventures in what would be “some of the closest known links between a Biden relative and a foreign government.”

Furthermore, according to public records and emails obtained by Politico, Jim Biden invoked his ties to his older brother and sought workarounds to restrictions on international money movements during these fundraising efforts.

Politico cited recent testimony by fund manager Michael Lewitt, a former business partner of Jim Biden’s, in a Kentucky bankruptcy court. Lewitt reportedly said in sworn testimony that two companies that facilitated Jim Biden’s efforts were part-owned by “members of the Qatari government.”

One company partnered directly with Jim Biden in multi-year fundraising efforts, and the second company provided financial backing for a series of loans that a hospital chain paid Jim Biden to arrange, according to documents and testimony submitted by Lewitt during the federal bankruptcy proceedings.

Jim Biden’s efforts to raise money from Qatari sources for ventures in the U.S. began “in the months” after his older brother left the vice presidency, the report said. Transactions related to the fundraising efforts are also “at the heart” of a recently-settled fraud case brought by the Securities Exchange Commission and are “being scrutinized as part of a federal criminal investigation in South Florida,” the report said.

Jim Biden had suggested to congressional investigations in February that his fundraising efforts “stalled for lack of viable projects to back,” but previously unreported testimony by Lewitt “indicates that Jim Biden forged closer ties to Qatar’s government than previously understood.” Lewitt is expected to testify to House impeachment inquiry investigators, Politico reported.

Joe Biden’s relationship with Qatar began around June 2017, when the country’s neighbors, led by Saudi Arabia, cut diplomatic ties with the country over its alleged support for terrorism, the report said. Qatar then began “showering well-connected Westerners with gifts and financial benefits, sometimes in the form of investment funding,” the report said.

File/ James Biden (R), brother of U.S. President Joe Biden, leaves the Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. Federal Building after being deposed by the House Oversight Committee behind closed doors for more than eight hours on February 21, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty)

Jim Biden was working with troubled hospital chain Americore, and to raise money for the company, he teamed up with a company named Platinum Group, whose CEO was a Florida businessman named Amer Rustom who bragged about his ties to officials in the Middle East and Lewitt, a hedge fund manager, the report said.

“Together, Jim Biden, Rustom and Lewitt sought investment funding sources in the Middle East for Americore and other ventures,” Politico reported, citing federal court filings in Tennessee and emails. A former Americore executive said the fundraising efforts came to focus largely on Qatar. In August 2017, Biden and Rustom “workshopped a draft letter” to an official at Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority, that read in part:

My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency.

It also reportedly said, “On behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here.”

Lewitt and a group of Platinum-related companies committed to raising $30 million for Americore, according to a SEC complaint later filed against Lewitt. Lewitt’s investment fund, Third Friday, then began making a series of bridge loans to Americore, to keep the company afloat until then, the report said.

Lewitt’s first bridge loan to Americore coincided with a payment from Americore to Jim Biden, the report said.

Biden said in testimony in February that the roughly $600,000 payments he received from Americore around that time were for his role in arranging the loans, and “many other services.”

In March 2018, Jim Biden transferred $200,000 of the payments in question to then-former Vice President Joe Biden. The White House has said it was a repayment of an unrelated loan.

Around that time, Jim Biden’s fundraising efforts gained steam, the report said. On March 10, Jim Biden’s wife Sara Biden emailed a draft investor presentation to Platinum Group executive Julie Lander that contained a “few minor revisions by Jim.” The presentation said America was seeking $30 million in financing to acquire hospitals, and described Jim Biden as ‘Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden.'”

An email about a month later indicated that Jim Biden had met with a high-ranking Qatari official. Lander wrote in an email to Jim Biden, “I am following up from the meeting we had with the Minister.” She added, “Your approach with him was flawless. He requested more information on Americore.”

Lander’s email to Jim Biden came five days after a large delegation of Qatari officials and business leaders visited Miami. In the email, she suggested a potential request of $200 million, and asked Jim Biden to provide more information on the potential benefits to Qatar of an investment deal, the report said.

However, the anonymous Americore executive said the fundraising efforts hit some snags pertaining to moving investment funds across international borders. The former executive said that moving the money in gold bars was discussed. Another way to transfer the funds was depending on helping a payment processing company called Billerfly gain access to the U.S. banking system, the report said.

A draft presentation sent to Americore described Jim Biden as Billerfly’s “chief global banking emissary.”

Emails from Jim Biden showed frustration as fundraising efforts stalled. In a May 17 email to Americore CEO Grant White, Biden “vented about a flap” between them and implored White to provide more detailed information to investors, the report said. Jim Biden also wrote that Rustom and Lewitt were waiting on World Bank approval of their acquisition of a bank.

Jim Biden also expressed frustration with Rustom and the $30 million they said they would commit, writing, “Things have happened in the interim that are completely understandable, but the fact remains that the $5 million at this point in time is critical in order to get by for the big picture. ”

Lewitt in June 2018 wrote Jim Biden and Grant White about efforts to move money from Dubai to Qatar, and said, “Amer would like me to join Jim for the presentation to the Finance Minister in Doha so as soon as we have the date I will plan my travel.”

The former Americore executive reportedly said that Jim Biden and Lewitt did travel to Qatar in mid-2018 as part of the fundraising efforts, but it is not clear whether any meeting between Jim Biden and Qatar’s then-finance minister, Ali Sharif Al Emadi, took place. Al Emadi left his post in 2021 after he was arrested on suspicion of corruption. He was later convicted of charges including money laundering of more than $5 billion and sentence to 20 years in prison.

In July 2018, Jim Biden reportedly cut ties with White, which he said was due to Americore’s dependence on high-interest loans.

Lewitt the next month wrote Jim Biden to tell him that his fund would be repaid imminently for its loans to Americore with the money from Dubai.

Jim Biden continued to work with Lewitt and Rustom to secure financing for other health care ventures from the Qatar Investment Authority, the report said, citing to filings in a settled federal court case in Tennessee where Jim Biden, Lewitt, Rustom and Platinum Group USA were named as co-defendants.

The report said Jim Biden’s financial ties to Lewitt deepened, and that over the course of 2019, Jim Biden’s company, Lion Hall Group, received $225,000 from Third Friday, Lewitt’s investment fund. Jim Biden told Congress that the payments were loans that were later forgiven, the report said. Lewitt told Politico that the fund did not forgive his loans, and that Jim Biden’s debt was assumed by a third party but did not give the name of the third party.

Also during this time, a new business called Platinum Global Partners, LLC, was registered in Florida with Jim Biden, Sara Biden, Lewitt, Rustom, and Rustom’s brother Azzam Rustom, all listed as managers, the report said. Jim Biden later told Congress he was trying to land investment from Qatar for infrastructure projects and hotels. The company dissolved in 2020 and the venture petered out, Jim Biden told them.

“We weren’t able to show the financial bona fides of any one particular project,” Biden reportedly said. “We got pretty far down the road on several hotel complexes, but they never came to fruition.”

According to the report, the “third party” that assumed Jim Biden’s debt to Third Party appears to be a Delaware company named Obermeyer Engineering Consulting. In the course of Americore’s bankruptcy litigation, Lewitt produced an agreement between Third Friday and Obermeyer, which calls for Obermeyer to purchase Third Friday’s loans to Americore, as well as a 35 percent stake in the hospital chain for $30 million, according to the report. The agreement appears to include a signature from Azzam Rustom as Obermeyer’s “authorized signatory,” but Amer Rustom is contesting the validity of the contract, saying that he and his brother had never seen the contract before.

The Rustoms are also contesting the authenticity of signatures and documents that showed loans from Third Friday to the Platinum Group, saying the loans did not exist, Azzam Rustom has signed a declaration that said Lewitt had forged his signature on the loan documents. Lewitt was called to testify at the federal bankruptcy court in Lexington, Kentucky. Lawyers for Americore’s bankruptcy trustee accused Lewitt of perjury regarding the Platinum Group loans, and the judge is reportedly considering a potential criminal referral to the Justice Department, the report said.

During testimony, Lewitt said the Rustoms owned both the Platinum Group and Obermeyer with “members of the Qatari government,” and speculated that the brothers had not cleared the agreements with the Qatari officials. “I don’t think they expected these to become public,” Lewitt testified, adding, “I think they were trying to cover themselves.”

Judge Schaaf concluded, “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire…and this is a black haze right now.”

In addition, in 2022, investors in Third Friday sued Lewitt, saying he embezzled their money through Americore to Jim Biden and others. The case remains ongoing. Politico noted that Third Friday’s loans to Americore, as well as other dealings involving Jim Biden, Lewitt, Rustom, and the Platinum Group, are being scrutinized in an “ongoing federal criminal investigation in South Florida. In April, Lewitt settled a fraud case brought by the SEC over the loans, and was banned from the security industry for five years.

Michael Caputo, a former senior Trump administration official, pointed out that Jim Biden would not be the first Biden family member to have financial links to a foreign government, in reference to Hunter Biden and his dealings with Chinese businessmen linked to the Chinese government.

Some observers on X suggested that President Joe Biden’s soft-handed approach to Qatar, where Hamas has its political headquarters, is linked to his brother’s business dealings with Qatar.

A research fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), Hussain abdul-Hussain, posted on X:

If there is ever a serious investigation, the list of influential Americans — incumbents, have beens and everyone in between — who are on the Qatari payroll, will take years to unveil. — Fund manager: Jim Biden was in business with Qatari officials

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on ”X”Truth Social, or on Facebook. 

James Biden shills for the Biden Crime Family

By Mike McDaniel

Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) apologists would have us believe the Biden Crime Family is entirely innocent, the victim of evil MAGA persecution. That normal Americans and Republicans have no power to prosecute under the weaponized, politicized Department of Justice is ignored. Fortunately, the barely Republican-controlled House is doing the work the DOJ will not:

President Joe Biden’s brother James said during the House impeachment inquiry on Wednesday that he threw away Hunter’s Biden first diamond received from CEFC China Energy Co, a source familiar with the interview told Breitbart News.

Hunter received a second, $80,000 diamond from CEFC chairman Ye Jianming in February 2017.

Hunter received the first diamond when Joe Biden was vice president to entice him to do business with CEFC, the source said. Hunter gave it to James to have it appraised, according to the source, but James said he threw it away.

He threw away a diamond, worth tens of thousands of dollars?! Perhaps to hide evidence of corruption, but otherwise? During his testimony, James maintained his brother Joe Biden never, ever, in any way, had any business dealings with the rest of his family. 


Graphic: Twitter (X) screenshot

I’m beginning to doubt James’ credibility.

Through Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), the committee discovered in March that Biden associate Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

The source also told Breitbart News that James initially said he was not part of a deal with Rob Walker, Hunter, James Gilliar, and Tony Bobulinski, but when presented with an agreement with his signature on it, he changed his story to say he did not recall signing that agreement.

Now I’m really beginning to doubt his credibility.

James also appeared not to recall that Joe Biden met with the family’s business associates. James said Joe Biden never met with business associates, but messages produced by a previous witness contradict that claim, the source said.

James also told the impeachment inquiry that Joe Biden “never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest” in his business ventures. The claim comes as House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY), a former bank board member, found in October that a $200,000 check from Americore, which allegedly defrauded Medicare, landed in Joe Biden’s bank account via James Biden.

James claimed this was repayment for a loan from Joe.

James confirmed there is no documentation for the two “loans” Joe Biden allegedly provided him, and no interest was charged, the source told Breitbart News:

·        James Biden said he called the law firm Monzack Mersky and Browder and requested money from Joe Biden’s bank account. James Biden does not know if the money came from Joe Biden’s S corporation CelticCapri or his personal bank account. This law firm is also associated with James Biden, Hunter Biden, and Rob Walker’s LLCs.

·        The Oversight Committee has identified two checks from James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden labeled as “loan repayments.” 

·        On March 1, 2018, Americore, a financially distressed rural hospital operator, wired a $200,000 loan into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account – not their business bank account. On the same day, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden. 

·        On September 3, 2017, Joe Biden received $40,000 in China money from the account of his brother, James Biden, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in the form of a personal check.

·         In addition, James took out loans from Democrat donors and did not fully repay them, according to the source, which includes: James Biden received $800,000 in loans from Joey Langston, but he only repaid $400,000

·        James Biden received $900,000 in loans from John Hynansky, but he still owes him $100,000.

Let’s review: At least nine Biden family members, including two grandchildren, have been paid from family overseas “business ventures.” None of these people had any business acumen, knowledge or services to offer foreign governments or businesses.  Hunter Biden, a drug-addled know-nothing has admitted, on camera, the foreign entities that paid him millions did so because his last name is “Biden.”  None of these supposed “loans” is accompanied by any documentation.

Joe Biden has repeatedly said he never discussed business with his son, but:  


Graphic: screenshot

The National Archives and Records Administration has admitted that it is in possession of nearly 5,400 emails, electronic records and documents that potentially show President Biden using a pseudonym during his vice presidency, it was revealed on Monday. 

Many of these were communications with Hunter.  So, there are more than 150 suspicious activity reports from banks on the Biden Family, which, including grandchildren, has made tens of millions for apparently doing nothing, and James Biden throws away a diamond.

Sounds legit to me.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  








American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH




James Biden Claims Joe Biden ‘Never’ Had Involvement in Family Business

IMG_256Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

21 Feb 2024


James Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother, told the impeachment inquiry on Wednesday that Joe Biden “never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest” in his business ventures.

The claim comes as House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), a former bank board member, found in October that a $200,000 check from Americore, which allegedly defrauded Medicare, landed in Joe Biden’s bank account via James Biden.

RELATED VIDEO — Comer: DOJ Indicted Hunter to Protect Joe Biden:


James Biden denied the check was due to a preexisting business relationship. He claimed the money was a return payment for money Joe Biden lent him. Comer then requested the alleged “loan documents” the Biden brothers might have consummated, but the White House stonewalled the request.

James Biden, countering Comer’s findings, appeared to leak his opening statement in part to establishment media reporters:

1. I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. None.

2. Because of my intimate knowledge of my brothers personal integrity and character, as well as my own strong ethics, I have always kept my professional life separate from our close personal relationship.

3. I never asked my brother to take any official action on behalf of me, my business associates, or anyone else.


In September, Comer subpoenaed James Biden’s Lion Hall Group and JBBSR, Inc., entities. The subpoena appeared directed at obtaining records linked to Joe Biden’s corporation, “CelticCapri Corp,” which received nearly $10 million in 2017 without specifying revenue line items.

James Biden is Joe Biden’s younger brother and Hunter Biden’s uncle. James and Hunter were business partners with CEFC China Energy Co., an organization closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

RELATED VIDEO — Marlow: “The Bidens Were Clearly Given Millions of Dollars from Entities All Over the World”:


Through Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), the committee discovered in March that Biden associate Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

Comer believes the $200,000 payment is suspicious because the money flowed through a distressed entity, Americore, which loaned James Biden $600,000. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired him $200,000. That same day, James Biden sent Joe Biden a $200,000 check.

Media Admit Joe Biden Involved in Lucrative ‘Americore’ Deal with Brother James

10IMG_256Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images

19 Feb 2024


Politico national political correspondent Ben Schreckinger admitted Sunday that President Joe Biden was involved with James Biden in the family’s lucrative “Americore” deal.

The article appears to contradict Politico reporting in October that no “smoking gun” exists that proves any Biden family wrongdoing. Politico, a publication that tried to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story, typically works to suppress the Biden business scandal.

The outlet reviewed information that shows that “Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood,” Schreckinger acknowledged:

The investigation also reveals that Joe Bidens name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood: In addition to the accounts provided by former executives, investor materials described Jim Biden as an adviser to his older brother. And on top of Joe Bidens own previously reported encounter with the firms CEO, at least three of Joe Bidens relatives did work with Americore. They include Jim Bidens wife, Sara, and his son, Jamie. The presidents son, Hunter Biden also met with its CEO, and his personal doctor  current White House physician Kevin OConnor  joined a meeting with Jim Biden and the president of a hospital being acquired by Americore, according to a former executive and emails obtained by POLITICO.

Politico’s change in turn comes months after House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) produced findings in October about Americore and a $200,000 check landing in Joe Biden’s bank account.


House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., exits a secure facility to speak to reporters about his investigation into President Joe Biden’s family (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite).

Comer believes the $200,000 payment is suspicious because the money flowed through a distressed entity, Americore, which loaned James Biden $600,000. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired him $200,000. That same day, James Biden sent Joe Biden a $200,000 check.

James Biden denied the $200,000 check he gave Joe Biden was due to a preexisting business relationship. He insisted, instead, that the money was a return payment for money Joe Biden lent him. Comer requested the alleged “loan documents” the Biden brothers might have consummated, but the White House stonewalled the request.

In media appearances, Comer blew holes into James Biden’s claims and stated his story was contrived “out of their rear end,” Breitbart News previously reported:

Lets say they pull something out of their rear end that says Joe Biden loaned Jim Biden money  either way, we have his [James Bidens] personal bank records. I can say, with confidence, he had no money to pay Joe Biden back other than that 200,000-dollar wire that came from Americore Health company.

So either Joe Biden was paid $200,000 as part of the influence-peddling scheme payback, kickback, dividend, or Joe Biden actually made a loan to his brother, and because his brother influence-peddled Americore Health, he paid him back $200,000.

The outlets further reports:

In September, the Securities and Exchange Commission accused one of Jim Bidens business partners of fraud related to loans to the company, allegations the business partner has denied.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department found that Americores hospital in Pennsylvania entered into sham service agreements and paid kickbacks as part of a scheme that billed the government for medically unnecessary lab tests the hospital shipped out to be performed elsewhere.

Those actions are at the center of a federal prosecution of a $100 million conspiracy to defraud Medicare that has netted a guilty plea from the recipient of the kickbacks, and, according to a person familiar with the case, remains ongoing.

Politico’s acknowledgment of the Americore money wire comes as James Biden is set to sit for a disposition with the House impeachment inquiry. In September, Comer subpoenaed James Biden’s Lion Hall Group and JBBSR, Inc., entities. The subpoena appeared directed at obtaining records linked to Joe Biden’s corporation, “CelticCapri Corp,” which received nearly $10 million in 2017 without specifying revenue line items.

James Biden is Joe Biden’s younger brother and Hunter Biden’s uncle. James and Hunter were business partners with CEFC China Energy Co., an organization closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Through Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), the committee discovered in March that Biden associate Rob Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC. In turn, four Biden family members — Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unidentified “Biden” — received a collective $1.3 million cut from the $3 million wire transfer.

Breitbart News’s Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow detailed further information about the Bidens’ “Americore” deal here.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

Bidens’ people have framed his relationship with Hunter as a loving father trying to help his self-destructive son. All the laptop materials that were released only play into that narrative. But that same gameplan won’t work with James Biden. He’s not a desperate drug addict with kids. He’s a guy who got very rich because of his brother.


James Biden May Be More Dangerous to Joe Than Hunter

After they sued Biden, they received an envelope filled with “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country”

February 15, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield 10 Comments


Republicans have focused on Hunter Biden, largely because of the laptops, the flagrant activities in Ukraine and China, the obscene criminality of his rampages, and the sheer amount of information, but the linkage between Hunter’s business affairs and his father remains much less documented than the more extended ties between Joe’s brother, James.

There’s been a long history of James’ business affairs and this is only the latest episode.

According to the documents, Jim told a former senior US Treasury official working as a private investigator that he was hired to negotiate with the Saudis ‘because of his position and relationship’ to VP Joe Biden – who led delegations to Saudi Arabia at the time.

‘[Biden] stated that he was often sent to meetings to represent Hill because ‘of course, the name didn’t hurt,’ and he was the former Vice-President’s brother, or words to that effect. He repeated this statement at least twice during the interview.

‘I asked specifically if he had attended a meeting with the Saudi Ministry of Trade in mid-February 2012 to receive the final payment for the work Hill had performed. He answered that, to the best of his memory, he had been at such a meeting, and that the reason he had attended was “because of his position and relationship” with his brother.’

In a May 2022 affidavit, Lankford & Reed partner V. Thomas Lankford described the alleged double-cross.

‘After many delays, a meeting was finally scheduled for mid-February, 2012, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,’ he wrote. ‘The Professional Firms were excluded from this meeting. Hill, acting through [its CEO, Irvin] Richter, sent Jim Biden – the then sitting Vice President’s brother.

‘Richter confided that he selected Biden because KSA [the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal.

It gets creepier from there.

Sullivan added that he had a brief exchange with Jim’s attorney wife Sara, who told him ‘he doesn’t like us talking to people’.

The affidavit does not specify who ‘he’ refers to, but a source briefed on the case told that it was Joe Biden.

‘I didn’t ask for a further explanation since I was looking at two large men in dark suits, in a big black sedan parked on a side street looking directly into their house down the walkway I had just exited,’ Sullivan wrote. ‘I thought they were some type of security, probably Secret Service.’

Joe Biden’s family were not entitled to Secret Service protection at the time, as he had ended his term as Vice President.

‘Sara and I walked to my car. She told me that her husband and his brother were very close, and that they told each other everything. I reached inside to give her a card, and just as I did, a blue sedan, with a single male driving, pulled quickly into their driveway. She said ‘See what I mean?’

All of this gets a good deal creepier if we revisit a story that I had reported on back in October 2020.

“James Biden mentioned that his brother’s connections to labor unions and the Department of Veterans Affairs would help DMM expand its model nationwide,” a lawsuit filed by one company claims.

Mayor Anthony Court, a Democrat, recalls White constantly dropping Biden’s name.

White would later claim that Biden told him, “there’s not a single door in the country that we can’t open.”

Another partner was promised that their “model would be used by Joe Biden as part of his campaign.”

“We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden,” James Biden had once boasted. There’s no denying that. How else could a college dropout and failed nightclub owner be in demand around the world, or help score a billion dollar contract to build homes in Iraq?

After they sued Biden and his partners, they received an envelope filled with “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country” linked to terrorists and a “torture ticket” resulting in an FBI investigation.

There was a federal probe back in 2020 that we haven’t heard from since.

James Biden has been a lot bolder in cashing in on Joe’s name and saying so. Hunter, if anything, was actually a good deal more discreet, even in the throes of his drugs and prostitution escapades leaving behind less of a trail tying in Joe than James did. And it’s James who may ultimately prove more dangerous to Joe.

Bidens’ people have framed his relationship with Hunter as a loving father trying to help his self-destructive son. All the laptop materials that were released only play into that narrative. But that same gameplan won’t work with James Biden. He’s not a desperate drug addict with kids. He’s a guy who got very rich because of his brother.



Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interacti

Court Docs: James Biden Secretly Negotiated $140M Deal with Saudis Due to Relationship with Joe Biden 

589Joe Biden, Jim BidenChristina Jamison/NBC NewsWire

15 Feb 20230


James Biden secretly negotiated a $140 million settlement deal in 2012 between a U.S. company and the Saudi Arabian government due to his relationship with then-Vice President Joe Biden, court documents reveal.

The revelation represents one more instance of the Biden family business peddling influence while President Joe Biden was an elected official. House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-KY) reportedly already has copies of the court documents and is investigating the scandal as a part of his probe into the Biden family for nine violations, including wire fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering.

In 2011, upon the Saudi’s refusal to pay $140 million to a U.S. construction company Hill International, James Biden was brought in to negotiate the settlement deal between the U.S. company and the Saudi government because the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice-President who would be instrumental to the deal,” affidavits reported by the Daily Mail show.


House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is seen in front of a newspaper page with a photograph of Hunter Biden and his father President Joe Biden during the Protecting Speech from Government Interference and Social Media hearing with former Twitter employees before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on Wednesday February 8, 2023, in Washington, DC. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Notably, James Biden had a prior business relationship with the U.S. company’s subsidiary as executive vice president with a minority stake.

Former U.S. Treasury official Thomas Sullivan, who was working to settle the deal as a private consultant, twice stated in an affidavit that James Biden was hired to negotiate with the Saudis “because of his position and relationship” with then-Vice President Biden. The business negotiation ultimately resulted in a $132 million settlement, court documents reveal.

“[James Biden] stated that he was often sent to meetings to represent Hill because ‘of course, the name didn’t hurt,'” court documents recount Sullivan’s written statement about a sit-down interview with James Biden.

“I asked specifically if he [James Biden] had attended a meeting with the Saudi Ministry of Trade in mid-February 2012 to receive the final payment for the work Hill had performed,” court documents recount Sullivan’s explanation. “He answered that, to the best of his memory, he had been at such a meeting, and that the reason he had attended was ‘because of his position and relationship’ with his brother.”

James Biden began working on the settlement deal in 2011 when the U.S. company asked him to work with its law firm, Lankford & Reed, on the settlement. The U.S. company allegedly asked James Biden to broker the deal with the Saudi government that was failing to pay $140 million.

According to Lankford & Reed partner’s affidavit in May 2022, partner Thomas Lankford confirmed the U.S. company “used [James] Biden as a settlement intermediary in order to capitalize on the influence and orchestration of the settlement by the then Vice-President.”

Due to the U.S. company’s decision to go behind the back of the law firm to collect its money via James Biden, the lawyers hired an investigator to question James Biden and his wife, Sara, about the back-door deal.That interview occurred on July 16, 2017, an affidavit shows.

During the interview, James Biden allegedly confessed that “Of course, the [James Biden] name didn’t hurt” to get the deal done. Sara allegedly said that Joe and James Biden “told each other everything.”

Sara’s statement contradicts Joe Biden’s claims he has never spoken about the Biden family business deals.

In 2020, the new CEO of the U.S. company, the son of the former CEO, denied having any ties to James or Joe Biden. “I have no ties to the Bidens. Jim Biden worked at a Hill subsidiary for a couple of years. That subsidiary did not report to me. I was not in favor of investing in that company,” David Richter told the New Jersey Globe.

“After several years of failure, it was shut down at my insistence, and I’ve never seen or heard from Jim Biden since,” he added.

However, Fox News reported in 2015 that David Richter admitted James Biden was helpful in the deal.

David Richter’s father has denied James Biden’s relationship with Joe Biden played a role in the settlement deal.

It should be noted that before the Saudi deal, James Biden had a previous history with the U.S. company’s subsidiary, HillStone International. The subsidiary hired James Biden in 2010 as executive vice president and gave him a minority stake in the company.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


In any event, the documents were in the house. And then we

learned that also in the house at times over the years was Hunter

Biden, the president’s formerly drug-addicted son. And of course

we know that Hunter Biden spent years cultivating relationships

with shady foreign actors. Plus, he was at times addicted to crack

and was, to say the least, unreliable when it came to information

security. You might recall that he forgot about a whole laptop he

once left for repair. BYRON YORK


The Joe Biden-Hunter Biden Scandal Convergence

Classified information - and advancing foreign business interests.

February 6, 2023 by Byron York 2 Comments


Republicans have long said the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is really a Joe Biden story. Now, it looks like the Joe Biden classified documents scandal is also a Hunter Biden story. Two Biden scandals are merging into one.

The convergence point is President Biden’s house in Wilmington, Delaware. The public learned in the last few weeks that Biden stored a number of classified documents there, both in his garage — famously next to his vintage Corvette — and in his personal library.

How many documents? Biden will not say. His personal lawyer, Bob Bauer, released a statement saying that after a search of the house, Justice Department lawyers took “six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials.” The problem is, no one knows what an “item” is. Is it a single piece of paper with classification markings? Or is it a box of papers, perhaps hundreds of pages, some of which are marked classified? If you look at how DOJ described the results of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search, you’ll see it used the word “item” to describe boxes of documents. So there’s no way to be certain how many documents Biden allegedly mishandled.

In any event, the documents were in the house. And then we learned that also in the house at times over the years was Hunter Biden, the president’s formerly drug-addicted son. And of course we know that Hunter Biden spent years cultivating relationships with shady foreign actors. Plus, he was at times addicted to crack and was, to say the least, unreliable when it came to information security. You might recall that he forgot about a whole laptop he once left for repair.

That is reason enough for further investigation, given the undisputed presence of classified documents in the Wilmington house. But now some Republicans worry that Hunter Biden might have been the recipient of classified information, which he then used to advance his foreign business interests while his father was vice president.

At the center of the new questions is an April 13, 2014, email — found on the laptop, of course — from Hunter Biden to business partner (and later convicted fraudster) Devon Archer. The email was sent a few months after Hunter Biden was discharged from the Naval Reserve for cocaine use. It was an analysis of the political and business outlook in Ukraine, where both Biden and Archer were trying to secure cushy positions, for at least $50,000 per month, on the board of the corruption-plagued energy company Burisma. The email was unusually long and unusually detailed for a Hunter Biden missive. It showed a depth of knowledge and inside information about Ukraine that seems unlikely Hunter Biden would possess.

Miranda Devine, author of the book “Laptop From Hell,” has posted screenshots of the email. Biden began by saying he had done “some research.” He went into the Ukrainian presidential race, Russian activities and intentions, the future of Ukrainian energy exploration, IMF loan guarantees, the possible role of Kazakhstan, the future of pipelines, European Union policy, the activities of various oligarchs, corporate structure and much, much more. Biden also mentioned his father’s then-upcoming visit to Ukraine: “The announcement of my guy’s upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking, but what he will say and do is out of our hands,” Biden wrote. “In other words, it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.”

Those sentences alone showed that Hunter Biden’s business was all about Joe Biden. But Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is concerned that it showed more than that. “I’ve traveled overseas, and you get what they call scene setters from the State Department,” Johnson told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo. “It reads like one of those scene setters, a highly detailed information in terms of Ukraine.”

Putting the memo in the context of what Hunter Biden was doing at the time, Johnson said, “It’s obvious that Hunter Biden is selling access to information. And does that have anything to do with some of the classified documents that then-Vice President Biden was squirreling away in his residence? I don’t know, but it looks incredibly suspicious.”

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is also concerned. “Hunter Biden is not an expert on Ukraine,” he told Bartiromo. “He’s not an expert on Eastern Europe. He’s not an expert on Russia. But that email did help him get on the board of Burisma. … It showed a level of expertise, not coming from him, but he was getting it from somewhere. That’s clearly from some sort of briefing. We don’t know whether it was a classified briefing or not. … This email is unusual in the Hunter Biden emails. There’s a level of scholarship and erudition that … doesn’t appear in the other emails he’s sending. The obvious question is, what was he cutting and pasting from? What was his source? And it raises the natural inference that Hunter Biden had direct access to these classified documents.”

A few years after the 2014 email, of course, Hunter Biden hit a low point, becoming addicted to crack, consorting with a parade of prostitutes, throwing money away, and desperately looking for ways to get more cash. Many of those ways, of course, involved trading on his father’s name with disreputable foreign contacts. Some of that time, Hunter Biden was living in the Wilmington house with the classified documents.

It should be said that Johnson and Cruz are engaging in some conjecture about what might have happened with Hunter Biden and classified information. But there is certainly reason to investigate the convergence of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the Joe Biden classified documents scandal. And if the Justice Department does not do it, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives will.

Reader Interactions


Biden was the Democrat left's version of the Trojan horse.  Get the 78-year-old inside the White House pretending to be a gift to the American people, and then let the real puppet masters emerge and change the nation's demographics, destroy the economy, and transform every social norm.

So Hunter Biden's 'masterpieces' aren't quite selling like hotcakes for top dollar

By Monica Showalter

Is the Biden money-making machine gig up? 

Sure looks like it, given the situation with artistic genius, Hunter Biden.

According to the Washington Free Beacon's Alana Goodman:

Hunter Biden is in financial turmoil after his paintings sold for less than the six-figure price tags estimated by his gallerist ...

The underwhelming sales have led Biden to consider launching a legal defense fund to help pay his mounting attorney bills stemming from a federal tax crime investigation and congressional inquiries into his foreign business dealings, the Washington Post reported.

Biden has sold around a dozen paintings "for a fraction of the $500,000 price tag once estimated" by his Manhattan gallerist Georges Berges, according to the Post. The congressional investigations into Biden have also spooked some prospective buyers, a source told the newspaper.

Leaving aside the issue of a legal defense fund and taking one step back, it appears that the art world wasn't exactly fooled by the hype and publicity about Hunter Biden's amazing and newly discovered art talent, with newbie paintings supposedly being ready to sell for $500,000 a pop and he never did become the hottest thing around at the galleries.

After all, that was the plan, wasn't it? The celebs showed up at his gallery opening, and the $500,000 sales estimates for his blow-pipe paintings suggested on paper at least that Hunter had some extraordinary talent, and collectors were just itching to get their hands on his glorious oeuvres. For a new artist to start selling paintings at $500,000, it would have to be someone from whom the demand was extraordinarily strong.

But that was the line fed to the public and oh, how certain art "experts" praised the hot new talent.

Here is what the New York Post reported in 2021:

Scandal-tarnished first son Hunter Biden’s newfound career as a painter may actually prove to be a success — as experts say his artwork is impressive and will fetch big bucks.

“I think it’s pretty strong — I like it,’’ Mark Tribe, chairman of the MFA Fine Arts Department at New York City’s School of Visual Arts, told The Post.

“The colors and compelling organic forms — it’s the kind of organic abstraction that I find easy on the eyes and provokes your curiosity,’’ Tribe said of the mixed-media paintings and drawings by President Biden’s son.


“I’ve been in the art business since 1956,’’ Alex Acevedo, 75, who owns the Alexander Gallery in Midtown Manhattan, told The Post.

“I’m not impressed with modern art at all. But I was floored by that guy,’’ he said of Hunter’s artwork.

“The palette was wonderful. The space was well-organized. I would buy a couple of them.

“And anybody who buys it would be guaranteed instant profit,” Acevedo added. “He’s the president’s son. Everybody would want a piece of that. The provenance is impeccable.’’

He also drew gushing profiles in the press about all his 'talent' from formidable sources, such as ArtNetNews and 60 Minutes, where he talked about all his "deep" thoughts.

And as for the gallery owner who's promoting this gig, Georges Bergès, the New York Times had doozy from him:

Mr. Biden’s art carries value because he is, by Mr. Bergès’s accounting, someone whose art will be remembered for a long, long time. He refers to a Biden painting as a “totem of reflection,” and with no hint of irony, he said: “Hunter will go down as a great artist for this century. If anything, his father will be known as the father of a great artist.”

Sounds legit.

Oh how he fooled them. Except that they weren't fooled. Nobody's giving him $500,000 for his paintings because they aren't worth $500,000, and not just that, if they did, everyone would know that paying that kind of cash to a guy whose entire career is based on influence-peddling and is now well-known to the public, would probably leave them exposed to congressional investigations or maybe even lawmen for bribery, which is what this entire operation looks like.

It also would diminish their prestige in the art world, telling everyone else in tout le monde of arts that they don't know much about how to find value in art after all. Those remarks cited by those supposed arts experts, quoted by the Post, are running liabilities now, given that the art world wasn't fooled by their toutings. They knew what was going on.

Here's the reaction of one heavyweight art critic who wasn't fooled, even before he heard any of the hype about Hunter or even knew anything about him, the estimable Jerry Saltz of New York magazine:





Saltz knows what art is and understands the art market as well. 

Knowing what he is talking about, he read the scam correctly from the very beginning, as did actual artists, such as Rod Webber, whom I wrote about here.

Now with the sales flop, Hunter and his flatterers stand exposed for everyone else, the naked emperor with no clothes on in his court, which is kind of Hunter's taste anyway.

Image: Screen shot from Fox News video, via YouTube

Democrats' Trojan horse is taking on a life of its own

By Rick Hayes

A silly older man sniffing women was sold to the American people as the safe alternative to President Donald Trump.  Joe Biden's assignment was to wear a suit, read words on a teleprompter, and quip.

Biden was the Democrat left's version of the Trojan horse.  Get the 78-year-old inside the White House pretending to be a gift to the American people, and then let the real puppet masters emerge and change the nation's demographics, destroy the economy, and transform every social norm.

For two years, Biden did precisely what the Democrat socialists wanted him to do: run to podiums, mumble, and then wander away.  Smile, wave, and lie.  And in the process, the southern border became an open floodgate for illegal aliens and deadly drugs.  Inflation halted the buying power of most Americans, and American streets became crime-infested homeless camps.  Uncle Joe: the gift that kept on giving.

The propaganda media, working with the Department of Justice, to obscure the Biden family's long history of corruption was remarkable.  The tell-all interview regarding the long partnership between a Chinese energy firm and the Biden family by Hunter Biden's partner, Tony Bobulinski, on the Tucker Carlson show was squashed.  The FBI did a marvelously malevolent job lying to the American people regarding the content and even the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop.

So the Trojan horse flawlessly performed the task it was designed to perform.  But now comes the glitch: lo and behold, the fake leader of the free world wants to stay.  Somehow, in all the confusion of corruption and millions of dollars flowing from China into the Biden coffers, Joe didn't read the memo that the charade is finished after one term.

The swamp has realized that the Trojan horse is no longer needed and has become a liability.  There are new Democrat communist plans for 2024, and they don't include uncle Joe.

The left will do what it always does when its power is in jeopardy: turn on itself.  And it looks as if Biden is holding the short end of the stick in the power struggle: the mishandling of top-secret documents that have always been handled as a nothingburger for guilty Democrats like Hillary Clinton will now somehow matter for Biden.

What happened in 2020 will be considered one of the darkest points in American politics and its history.  But this chapter does not close without benefits.  Hopefully, the American people, especially the youth, will realize that conservatives are not perfect, but they do love this country and individual freedom.  On the other hand, as far as the Democrat left is concerned, you are valuable only as long as you are helpful to the communist cause.


Image: 10 Tampa Bay via YouTubeCC BY 3.0 (cropped).


There’s more evidence that Hunter might have been selling state secrets

By Andrea Widburg

Late last night, Miranda Devine wrote an essay that’s ostensibly about a poll showing that Americans think that Biden was wrong to brush off the news about his squirreling classified documents as “nothing.” In fact, most Americans, including Democrats, think what happened is “something.” But buried in Devine’s article was well-grounded speculation more interesting than poll results: She believes there’s inferential evidence that Hunter Biden was openly selling national security information to foreign governments and corporations.

Devine opens her article, “Majority of voters, including Democrats, believe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents is a scandal,” by discussing a Rasmussen poll asking voters whether they believe that the way in which Biden handled classified documents is a “scandal.” As you may recall, Biden’s only take on the increasing number of classified document finds was that “there’s no there there” and that “there’s nothing there.”

Au contraire said the voters that Rasmussen polled. Those poll results show that 72% of voters, including 55% of Democrat voters, think that Biden’s conduct constitutes a “scandal.” Indeed, 48% believe that it’s a “major scandal.”

Hunter Biden turns out to be part of what voters consider so scandalous. Of those polled, 60% believe that Hunter used classified documents in his business deals.


Image: Hunter Biden. YouTube screen grab.

So, did he? It’s entirely possible that Hunter did indeed borrow information from Daddy to get money from foreign businesses.


Devine has already speculated, based on her intimate knowledge of Hunter’s laptop, that one of Hunter’s emails is so unlike his usual style—polished, comprehensive, and informed versus semi-literate and with minimal information—that it’s probable he copied it right off a classified briefing. What I can throw into the mix is that the language from that particular email, when run through Grammarly’s plagiarism checker, does not return any other document on the internet, suggesting that Hunter was copying a document that never saw the light of day.

It turns out, though, that you don’t just need to speculate about Hunter’s sudden high-level research and linguistic skills to be suspicious. Hunter was openly offering foreign oligarchs information that promised was unavailable elsewhere. Writes Devine:

The classified files Hur is investigating cover Biden’s vice presidential years, when Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden were actively monetizing the family name overseas. Some documents reportedly date back to the president’s time in the Senate.


For instance, documents on the laptop from 2011 show that Hunter offered to sell intelligence on Russian oligarchs to the US aluminum firm Alcoa Inc. for $55,000. 


In internal discussions over Hunter’s proposal, a senior executive at Alcoa suggested the information was valuable because it “would not otherwise be on Government Affairs team’s radar.” 

As I previously reported, Hunter offered to “provide Alcoa with statistical analysis of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska (OD), Russian CEO of Basic Element company and United company RUSAL.” 

Alcoa had just signed a metal supply agreement with RUSAL.

Hunter promised to provide a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of OD’s [Deripaska’s] networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.”

Devine has even more information about pricy offers Hunter was making to Russian oligarchs, promising to give them “raw data” from an “elite mapping procedure.” As Devine says, “How Hunter, 52, a raging drug addict with a voracious appetite for cash during much of his father’s vice presidency, got access to classified information is a matter of national concern.”

It’s not necessarily beneficial if Biden gets impeached because that allows Democrats to put their chosen 2024 candidate in the White House, first as Kamala’s Veep and then, when she’s driven out, as President. There is a real incumbent advantage. With the media rhapsodizing about the chosen one, there’s a strong likelihood that a credulous public, with help from a gamed election, will keep that Democrat in the White House. Better a lame duck Biden than an ascendent Michelle or Gavin Newsom.

Ultimately, though, assuming a clean 2024 election, it would be a wonderful thing if Biden and his son Hunter were definitively proven (at an honestly conducted trial, of course) to have engaged in criminal conduct and were then sent for a long stay in one of the less nice federal prisons.  




Bombshell Hunter Biden email infers 'direct access' to classified info: Cruz

Elon Musk Gets Up and Ends Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Obama’s Career to Jail 2023 BIDEN CRIME FAMILY 

Jesse Watters Primetime

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (THREE GAMER LAWYERS) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. JOHN BINDER

Joe Biden’s Donor List Includes More than 30 Executives Tied to Wall Street JOHN BIDNER

The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C. And yet the Biden family stood out even there. To be born a Biden in the era after Joe switched his party affiliation, plagiarized his speeches, and inappropriately touched every woman or girl he could get his hands on in the state and the nation, was to be bred into dirty money.  DANIEL GREENFIELD

The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Tony Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy — a now bankrupt and defunct energy company based in China — offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family. MATTHEW BOYLE

Corruption is nothing new in D.C., but what the laptop reveals about Hunter Biden and his father is that, like the Clintons, they have no self-control. And the only thing more dangerous than cunning crooks at the head of a nation are inept kleptocrats who would leave evidence of their financial and sexual corruption on a laptop abandoned in a Delaware repair shop. DANIEL GREENFIELD

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. 

                                                              ANDREA WIDBURG

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE


"And it's curious that Joe Biden, you know, is the one that everybody jumped out of the race -- you know, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar all, like, tearfully backed out of the presidential race, all to back Joe Biden because they have this false narrative that Joe Biden was a regular guy that rode Amtrak, living in $10 million homes, having the lifestyle -- not just Joe, but his family. 

                                                                       SUSAN JONES

In 2018 and 2020, Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter and his father flew to China aboard Air Force Two in 2013 before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, which transpired less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

A lawsuit filed in federal court late last month alleges James Biden, who has a history of murky financial dealings, and his associates deceived and defrauded two Tennessee businessmen.

Michael Frey and his business partner, Dr. Mohannad Azzam, brought the suit claiming James Biden and his associates promised and failed to line up investors for their rural healthcare enterprise. Instead, the suit alleges, James Biden urged the two men to borrow $10 million from a hedge fund manager involved in the deal and then proceeded to pass their idea off as his own to a conglomerate of Turkish investors. HARIS ALIC

What we learn from the laptop is that Joe (referred to as “the big guy”) was to get a 10% cut of the loot from a deal with a now defunct Chinese energy company with strong ties to the Chinese government (the email outlines an equity split including “20 for H” and “10 held by H for the big guy.” That makes “10% Joe” analogous to the Godfather, the capo dei capi, the boss due his share of the family’s enterprises. 

                                                          DAVID ISAAC

Biden Family Values: They like to live large

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden likes to advertise himself as ordinary 'Scranton Joe' who's a family man and "devout" Catholic to the public.

A look at news rolling out about Biden's extended family in the wake of recent scandals suggests a different story. Far from being Lunchbucket Joe, House Biden is more like Venezuela's Maduro family, or Chavez family, or Cuba's Castro oligarchs. Cut to the chase and throw in Beijing's princelings or Russia's oligarchs, who frequently make cameo appearances. Not surprisingly, most claim to have a soft spot for "the common man." 

Some photos of "the life" can be viewed herehereherehere, and here.

Some headlines to give you the flavor:

Being the ex-President's daughter pays off: Hugo Chavez's ambassador daughter is Venezuela's richest woman


Children of Venezuela’s elite including ex-leader Hugo Chavez’s daughter flaunt wealth

Fidel Castro’s son enjoying a millionaire vacation, while Cubans are starving


Sound like the Bidens?

All we have to do is look at the latest story from the Daily Mail about how Joe used his "pull" to get his ne'er-do-well niece Caroline a fancy new job she'd never have otherwise gotten as a convicted criminal on probation for a $100,000 credit card theft.

President Biden helped his convict 31-year-old niece Caroline Biden land an interview for a job at Masimo Corporation, whose owner is one of his biggest donors, but she balked at the $85,000-a-year salary, records from Hunter Biden's laptop show. 

Caroline, the daughter of Joe Biden's brother Jim and his wife Sara, in 2017 pled guilty to buying more than $100,000 worth of makeup on a stolen credit card. 

She managed to get out of a grand larceny charge and the two-year prison sentence that carried, but was sentenced to two years' probation, which she wanted to serve in Los Angeles to be near her cousin Hunter Biden. 

How the hell she managed to avoid prison for that is as mysterious as how Hunter Biden got into Yale. That kind of stuff happens When You're A Biden, which almost sounds like a Broadway song. What other Scranton Joe family has a "big guy" who can get every relative, down to nieces and nephews, out of any jam they get themselves into.

It wasn't just her. Hunter Biden was time and time again spared charges and jail time over his tax evasion, his falsification of his gun permit application, evidence of bribery and influence peddling, and his numerous drug incidents. He lived a wild and free-spending life at Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood as recently as 2018, around the time when he was occasionally driving old dad's Corvette from the Biden family garage where the misplaced classified documents were held. He seemed to have gotten a sweet deal in his string of homes around the Venice, California area.

Donations, it should be noted, tended to follow from these various "saves," as the Daily Mail noted in its report. 

The entitlement mentality of this Biden scion of political privilege was stratospheric. The Mail continued:

Records show Jim Biden had asked Hunter to convince his cousin Caroline to accept a job, after a lifetime of only holding cushy jobs she had secured through her family name, according to the Free Beacon.   

Emails show the job she was interviewing for in July 2018 at Masimo promised $85,000 per year plus a guaranteed 10 percent bonus plus stock options. 

'That's below minimum wage in California after taxes,' Caroline wrote in an email to her father. 'I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life.'

Caroline said she could not accept a job that would pay her 'less than $180,000.' 

She then appeared to 'bomb' the interview, get passed up for the job, but was offered an internship at the company as a favor to her uncle Joe. 

'I didn't get the job,' Caroline texted her cousin Hunter. 'I was given an intern job at 31 years old because of your dad asking him to give me something even though I bombed it.'

By July 28, Caroline texted Hunter that his father Joe was 'done' with her. 

That suggests that a family culture of entitlement has been festering for a long time at House Biden. There was no sense of gratitude, let alone expectations of having to strike out on one's own. The Big Guy was always there for them -- yet at the same time, curiously absent as a parent who could teach his offspring and other relatives any sense of right and wrong. They didn't have that at all in that family.

More evidence of the entitlement mentality of the Biden princelings could be seen in the Vogue writeup of Naomi Biden's wedding. Naomi is the daughter of Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden's granddaughter. She fully expected to hold her wedding at the White House even though that had never been done beyond immediate family in the past. She even used the White House as a convenient crash pad, with Joe's consent:

When the couple’s lease ran out on their DC apartment, they asked Nana and the president if they could move in for a few months while wedding planning, along with their mini Australian shepherd, Charlie, who can often be seen gamboling on the South Lawn with the Bidens’ German shepherd, Commander. “I try to remind myself it’s the White House, but it also gets normalized over time,” says Naomi. 

Naturally, Naomi and the rest of House Biden have their upscaling of standards and expectations. 

Here's how she saw her White House wedding:

Naomi enters the Green Room inside a beehive of giddy activity: hairdresser, make-up artist, stylist Bailey Moon and two Ralph Lauren designers, Andrea and Lorenzo, who have come as keepers of the custom gown, quick to jump into the frame and help fluff and smooth the mille-feuille organza, charmeuse, and crinoline skirt.

“Like every little girl, I had a vision in my head—it was Grace Kelly’s dress I loved,” admits Naomi, who with her Audrey Hepburn brows and honey-colored hair is not a far cry from the Princess of Monaco (after all, a White House wedding is our country’s version of a royal one).

Ahhh, a royal wedding. Because she's a royal and has her privileges. It figures.

It gets worse when we get down to brand names here:

The bride and groom climbed a ladder to cut a seven-foot-tall, eight-tier lemon cake with buttercream frosting, while nearby, a dessert bar included everything from 20-inch apple pie (the groom’s cake) to the president’s favorite Graeter’s chocolate chip ice cream. “He used to be a Breyers guy all the way but we’ve gotten him to upgrade to Graeter's,” Naomi says.

Breyer's? Eeeew.

That wasn't all of it, either.

“I do know [Jill Biden] lost sleep over the fact that I was planning to serve turkey sandwiches at the lunch,” Naomi adds. (They amended the menu to chicken pot pie, as a surprise for the father of the bride, as it is Hunter’s favorite and the dish Dr. Biden cooks for him every year on his birthday.)

Turkey sandwiches to wedding guests? How dreadful. How very lunchbucket.

Obviously, this is a hell of a princeling class of privilege encircling the House of Joe Biden. Like all of these princelings cited, including the trashy Latin American ones, they are virtually all socialists who declare themselves to be looking out for the common man. Yet as their regimes of total power settle in, the nomenklatura activity begins, with every unworthy and tainted relative holding their hand out and being treated with deference even in the middle of crime sprees by the powers that be. We saw that with the Castros, the Chavezes, the Maduros, the oligarchs of Russia, the princelings of China and now we see it with House Biden.

What kind of trash is this? It's influence, it's entitlement, and its ill-gotten gains to the most unworthy people on earth. That's Lunchbucket Joe's real game and it's a disgusting one, no different from Maduro's.

Image: Anthony Quintano, via Wikimedia Commons (extracted image) // CC BY-SA 2.0




· Hides in his basement because his handlers fear that if he spends too much time on the campaign trail he’ll say something to let voters know how monumentally dumb he actually is.

· Has a family that received an estimated $30 million to $40 million in bribes from countries like China and the Ukraine.

Reflections on Sleepy Joe

Exactly how and where will he lead us?

Don Feder


The most important election of our lifetime – perhaps in all U.S. history -- is upon us.

Here are some thoughts on the Democrat presidential candidate:

· Spent 47 years in office without accomplishing anything noteworthy -- who was ever and always a willing tool for the leadership of the Democrat Party.

· Has become a bobble-head for the socialists who now run his party.

· Took three months to issue a limp-wristed disavowal of the riots which are rocking our republic.

· Equates occasional police misconduct with business districts in flames, nightly looting, the murder of cops, and assaults on innocent bystanders.

· Thinks white supremacists pose a greater threat to America than Antifa, which he says is “an idea” not an organization. With Joe, you never know if he’s simply parroting progressive propaganda or really is that stupid.

· Wants to demolish the border wall and defund ICE, and once called illegal immigration “a gift” – that keeps on giving for the left.

· Said 150 million Americans died from “gun violence” since 2007 and 120 million of us died from COVID-19. There goes 80% of the population.

· Does press availabilities where he takes two questions – from reporters he knows are friendly.

· Has rallies which could be held in a broom closet.

· Thinks the president doesn’t have the authority to fill Supreme Court vacancies close to an election.

· Can’t quote the best-known phrase in the Declaration of Independence. (Joe: “We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created. by the, you know, you know the thing.”) Did he ever read the document? How about the Constitution?

· Hides in his basement because his handlers fear that if he spends too much time on the campaign trail he’ll say something to let voters know how monumentally dumb he actually is.

· Has a family that received an estimated $30 million to $40 million in bribes from countries like China and the Ukraine.

· Made his fortune in politics. Harry Truman used to say you can always tell the crooked politician. He’s the one who started poor and ended rich.

· Chose a running mate who’s ranked the furthest left member of the Senate and made her bones smearing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.

· Refuses to denounce anti-Semitism in his party.

· Says America is an “idea” that was “never lived up to.” Funny, with the greatest democracy in the world – that pioneered civil liberties and saved humanity from Nazism and communism -- I thought we were doing pretty well.

· Thinks that taxes are a way to jump-start the economy and wants a $15-an-hour minimum wage to help small businesses that have been hit so hard.

· Changes his position on fracking every 15 minutes or so, depending on focus groups.

· Says we can “change America for generations to come.” Visions of Venezuela dance in my head.

· Is the leader of a party that wants to end free elections by abolishing the Electoral College, making Puerto Rico and D.C. states, and packing the Supreme Court.

· Has the absolute loyalty of The New York TimesWashington Post, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media that’s been lying to you for decades.

· Whose supporters include Hollywood, Big Tech and academia – who’ve spent years stifling free speech, indoctrinating our children, and hating America.

· Was endorsed by the Revolutionary Communist Party.

· Can’t wait to destroy the economic recovery now underway with another lockdown, so he can “build it back better” – with Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren as the architects.

· Wants a national mandate for face masks – which the CDC says are worthless unless they’re hospital-grade.

· Spent the entire campaign whining about Trump’s Supreme Court nominations but refuses to give us a hint of whom he’d put on the high court.

· Whose mental deterioration is more painfully apparent with each passing day, reflected in an inability to speak coherently, gaffes galore, and embarrassing memory lapses, as when he recently said, “We need to stop four more years of George.” If he can’t remember the name of the incumbent he’s running against, how would he perform as president?

· Has a shocking inability to control his temper, reflected in such bizarre outbursts as telling an African American interviewer that he “ain’t black” if he’d even think about voting for anyone else.

Is this the man Americans want to lead the country and the free world (out of the Covid crisis, against our foreign foes and the anarchists who are trying to tear America apart) for as long as he can remain upright?


Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings



Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. These never-before-revealed emails outline how a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.” These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.

These and more explosive never-before-revealed emails were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.

In 2019, Cooney reached out to Schweizer after becoming familiar with the revelations in his 2018 book Secret Empires. Cooney explained that he believes he was the “fall guy” for the fraud scheme and that Archer and Hunter Biden had avoided responsibility.

Archer, who was also convicted in the case, saw a federal judge vacate his conviction. But an appellate court overturned the lower court judge’s ruling, reinstating Archer’s conviction in the case. Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner, awaits sentencing.

Cooney, their associate who is currently serving a prison sentence on his conviction in the matter, later reestablished contact with Schweizer through investigative journalist Matthew Tyrmand. From prison, Cooney provided Schweizer with written authorization, his email account name, and password to his Gmail account to retrieve these emails. He authorized, in writing, the publication of these emails— notable because it is the first time a close associate has publicly confirmed Hunter’s trading on his father’s influence.

The emails offer a unique window into just how the Biden universe conducted business during the Obama-Biden Administration. These associates sought to trade on Hunter Biden’s relationship with, and access to, his father and the Obama-Biden White House in order to generate business.

For instance, on November 5, 2011, one of Archer’s business contacts forwarded him an email teasing an opportunity to gain “potentially outstanding new clients” by helping to arrange White House meetings for a group of Chinese executives and government officials. The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one “respected diplomat” from Beijing. Despite its benign name, CEC has been called “a second foreign ministry” for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats.


Re China Entrepreneurs Club… by Breitbart News

CEC’s leadership boasts numerous senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Wang Zhongyu (“vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group”), Ma Weihua (director of multiple Chinese Communist Party offices), and Jiang Xipei (member of the Chinese Communist Party and representative of the 16th National Congress), among others.

“I know it is political season and people are hesitant but a group like this does not come along every day,” an intermediary named Mohamed A. Khashoggi wrote on behalf of the CEC to an associate of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. “A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great,” Khashoggi said before including what should have been a major red flag: “Not sure if one has to be registered to do this.” Presumably, Khashoggi meant a registered lobbyist under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Khashoggi believed the trip presented “a soft diplomacy play that could be very effective” and would give Hunter Biden’s business partners “good access to [the Chinese] for any deal in the future.”

Indeed, the email boasted of CEC’s wealthy membership:

CEC’s current membership includes 50 preeminent figures such as: Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of the CEC, Legend Holdings and Lenovo Group; Wu Jinglian, Zhang Weiying, and Zhou Qiren, China’s esteemed economists; Wu Jianmin, respected diplomat; Long Yongtu, representative of China’s globalization; Wang Shi (Vanke); Ma Weihua (China Merchants Bank); Jack Ma (Alibaba Group); Guo Guangchang (Fosun Group); Wang Jianlin, (Wanda Group); Niu Gensheng (LAONIU Foundation); Li Shufu (Geely); Li Dongsheng (TCL Corporation); Feng Lun (Vantone) and etc.

The gross income of the CEC members’ companies allegedly “totaled more than RMB 1.5 trillion, together accounting for roughly 4% of China’s GDP.” The overture to Hunter Biden’s associates described the Chinese CEC members variously as “industrial elites,” “highly influential,” and among “the most important private sector individuals in China today.”

Before contacting Hunter Biden’s associates, the CEC had been trying to get meetings with top Obama-Biden administration officials to no avail. “From the DC side as you will see below they [CEC] have written letters to several members of the administration and others and have so far not had a strong reaction.”

“This is China Inc,” wrote Khashoggi in the email, referring to the delegation of Chinese billionaires.

“Biggest priority for the CEC group is to see the White House, and have a senior US politician, or senior member of Obama’s administration, give them a tour… If your friend in DC can help, we would be extremely grateful,” Khashoggi emphasized.

Hunter Biden and Devon Archer apparently delivered for the Chinese Communist Party-connected industrial elites within ten days .

The original Oct. 19, 2011, email from Khashoggi was sent to Gary Fears — a controversial political fundraiser with a checkered history who was caught up in a riverboat casino scandal in the mid-1990s — who forwarded it on to Archer a couple weeks later on Nov. 5, 2011.

Time was short, as Khashoggi’s original email noted that the Chinese delegation would be in DC on Nov. 14, 2011. Fears told Archer to “reach out” to Khashoggi about the request regarding getting the Chinese businesspersons and officials into the Obama White House, adding it would be “perfect for” Archer to also “attend” with them and then “get guys for the potash deal.”

The same day Fears sent Khashoggi’s message to him, Archer took the email from Fears and sent to Khashoggi a business proposal for a potash mine deal he had lined up.

Six days after the initial overture, Archer received a followup email asking how a meeting with CEC’s representative went. The email closed with “Do me a favor and ask Hunter [Biden] to call me — I’ve tried reaching him a couple of times.” Archer responded, “Hunter is traveling in the UAE for the week with royalty so probably next week before he will be back in pocket…. The meeting with [CEC representative] was good. Seems like there is a lot to do together down the line. Probably not a fit for the current Potash private placement but he’s a good strategic relationship as the mine develops. Definitely have a drink with Mohammed and let him know how impressed I was with his whole deal.”


One minute later, Archer sent a follow-up email, “Couldn’t confirm this with Hunter on the line but we got him his meeting at the WH Monday for the Chinese folks.”


On the day of the meeting, November 14, 2011, Cooney emailed Fears to confirm that Archer “got the Chinese guys all taken care of in DC.”


The Obama-Biden Administration archives reveal that this Chinese delegation did indeed visit the White House on November 14, 2011, and enjoyed high-level access. The delegation included approximately thirty members, according to White House visitor logs. But those records also obscure perhaps the most important item for the Chinese delegation: a meeting with Vice President Joe Biden himself.

The visitor logs list Jeff Zients, the deputy director of Obama’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as the host of the CEC delegation. Obama had tasked Zients with restructuring and ultimately consolidating the various export-import agencies under the Commerce Department—an effort in which the Chinese delegation would have a keen interest.

trip itinerary posted by the CEC also confirms the delegation met with Obama’s then-recently-confirmed Commerce Secretary John Bryson.

Curiously, the Obama-Biden visitor logs do not mention any meeting with Vice President Joe Biden. But the Vice President’s off-the-books meeting was revealed by one of the core founders of the CEC. In an obscure document listing the CEC members’ biographies, CEC Secretary General Maggie Cheng alleges that she facilitated the CEC delegation meetings in Washington in 2011 and boasts of the Washington establishment figures that CEC met with. The first name she dropped was that of Vice President Joe Biden.

The relationships established during that visit may have benefited Hunter Biden and Devon Archer down the road. Two years later, they famously helped to form the Chinese government funded Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) investment fund. One of BHR’s first major portfolio investments was a ride-sharing company like Uber called Didi Dache—now called Didi Chuxing Technology Co. That company is closely connected to Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the founder of Legend Holdings—the parent company of Lenovo, one of the world’s largest computer companies. Liu is a former Chinese Communist Party delegate and was a leader of the 2011 CEC delegation to the White House. His daughter was the President of Didi.

Liu has long been involved in CCP politics, including serving as a representative to the 9th, 10th, and 11th sessions of the National People’s Congress of the PRC and as a representative to the 16th and 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Liu was the Vice Chairman of the 8th and 9th Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), an organization known to be affiliated with the Chinese United Front.

The Biden campaign has not responded to a request for comment on this story.

This is a developing story.

Peter Schweizer is the author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite. Seamus Bruner is the author of Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.


Biden Whistleblower Emails: Chinese Energy Company Gave $5 Million Non-Secured, Forgivable Loan to Biden ‘Family’


A 2017 email from a top official with a Chinese energy firm, provided by a whistleblower to U.S. Senate investigators, demonstrates the terms of an agreement included officials with the firm giving a $5 million non-secured, forgivable loan to the Biden “family.”

The email, sent to SinoHawk Holdings CEO Tony Bobulinski, shows how a top official with CEFC Energy — a now bankrupt and defunct energy company based in China — offered to wire $10 million into an account to begin operations, $5 million worth of which would be a non-secured forgivable loan to the “BD Family,” which means the Biden family.

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer spent four and a half hours with Bobulinski before he went public, and discussed these communications in particular regarding this loan during that meeting. According to Schweizer, the Chinese energy company officials were going to put $10 million into an account, $5 million of which was designated as a non-secured forgivable loan to the Biden family. Schweizer said this would constitute significant leverage the Chinese energy company officials would have over the Biden family.

“In a way, this would give CEFC greater leverage over the Biden family than simply giving them a gift or bribe because if they were dissatisfied with what the Bidens were doing they could ask for their money back,” Schweizer told Breitbart News when asked about the arrangement upon the public release of Bobulinski’s emails.

The email also says that $5 million loan is “interest free” and asks how that $5 million would be used, and if used up, whether CEFC should lend more money to the Biden family.

This email further fleshes out details surrounding the controversial arrangement first uncovered by U.S. Senate investigators in a recent Homeland Security Committee report, and later further uncovered by a bombshell New York Post story on emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Bobulinski’s new emails add to the story by including terms of the financial arrangement behind the wire transfer that CEFC officials made into a firm aligned with the Bidens that then made significant payments to Hunter Biden’s own firm, a wire transfer and financial payments that were first exposed by Senate investigators. The New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop emails added more information to this questionable arrangement by revealing emails that showed how Biden associates intended to divvy up the cash from the Chinese investors.

These new emails from Bobulinski add more to the picture by showing that the agreement was that this payment would serve as a non-secured forgivable loan, and that the CEFC side of the arrangement understood that the then-forthcoming payment — which Senate investigators confirmed was made just two weeks after these discussions —would serve as a loan to the Biden “family,” not just to Hunter Biden.

An e-mail to Hunter Biden's partner from a top Chinese official on July 26, 2017 shows the Chinese energy company CEFC proposed a $5 million "interest-free" loan to the Biden family "based on their trust on [Biden] family[.]"

"Should CEFC keep lending more to the family?"

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 22, 2020

This email is part of a broader trove of documents that Bobulinski provided to U.S. Senate investigators with the Homeland Security and Finance Committees, and also to media outlets including Breitbart News. Other media outlets are reporting on the emails as well.

According to the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s recent report, $5 million was wired directly into the account in question two weeks later — and then Hunter Biden’s firm spent the next year wiring $4.8 million from there into his own firm’s account:

Less than two weeks later, on August 8, 2017, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle to a Delaware LLC, which spent the next year transfering nearly $4.8 million directly to Hunter Biden's firm, according to Senate investigators.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 22, 2020

CEFC was a controversial energy company, as Breitbart News has reported. “The owner of CEFC, Ye Jianming, was among the most ambitious of Chinese tycoons before his business empire collapsed and he vanished into the Communist nation’s shadowy prison system,” Breitbart News’ John Hayward wrote earlier this week. “Ye was once portrayed as one of China’s greatest rags-to-riches stories, a humble park ranger who began making successful oil investments in his twenties and became a billionaire before he hit 40. He was marketed as an affable businessman foreigners could feel safe making deals with, well-connected but not an obvious tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

CEFC is at the center of the burgeoning Biden scandal. When Bobulinski went public on Wednesday night, he was the first source on one of the emails that the New York Post published from Hunter Biden’s laptop retrieved from a computer repair store in Delaware. One such story that the Post published was about Hunter Biden and the Biden family seeking a deal with CEFC, and in those original emails James Gilliar of J2cR emails Bobulinski about “remunerations packages” related to the CEFC deal.

“I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine,” Bobulinski said in his statement issued publicly.

Bobulinski had been, sources familiar with the matter told Breitbart News, cooperating with the Wall Street Journal for an investigation it is working on. But since the Journal has not published its story several days later after its staff had indicated it would, Bobulinski decided to go public on his own on Wednesday night — and made clear he is cooperating with Senate investigators.

In the original email, published by the New York Post, from Hunter Biden’s laptop, Gilliar references a breakdown of how money acquired would be distributed throughout the firm of which Bobulinski was CEO. The email says at one point that “10 held by H for the big guy.”

In his nearly 700-word statement, Bobulinski confirmed the authenticity of that email and further explained its meeting including that “the big guy” was a reference to former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, himself.

“What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” Bobulinski said. “I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to ‘the big guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other ‘JB’ referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”

The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C.

And yet the Biden family stood out even there. To be born a Biden in the era after Joe switched his party affiliation, plagiarized his speeches, and inappropriately touched every woman or girl he could get his hands on in the state and the nation, was to be bred into dirty money.  

Joe Biden was now asked in Wisconsin if Hunter had “profited off the Biden name”.

“None whatsoever,” the godfather of Delaware retorted. And the entire state laughed.

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, in Delaware, everyone knows that the Biden name means money in the bank. Literally. Just ask MBNA, Hunter’s former employer, whose executives poured $200,000 into Joe’s coffers, and one of whom bought his house.

“Don’t worry about investors,” James Biden, Joe's brother, famous for scoring a billion dollar contract to build houses in Iraq, told executives at Paradigm Global Advisors.  “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

James had bought Paradigm together with Hunter Biden.

Biden can try to deny the obvious, but he isn’t even trying to deny that the emails and photos are real, or that it was his son’s laptop. Instead, he spouted a word salad of gibberish, stating, “the vast of the intelligence people have come out and said there’s no basis at all.”

Why does Biden need to call on “the vast of the intelligence people” who carefully avoided making a firm statement, to deny something he is better able to deny on his own?

Because it’s really an admission.

The latest emails make it all too clear that Joe Biden got Viktor Shokin, the Ukranian prosecutor, fired because Burisma wanted him gone and that Hunter Biden's purpose in making deals with a powerful Chinese energy company linked to the Communist regime was to produce income for "me and my family". It’s no wonder that the latest reports link the FBI’s subpoena of the laptop, not to the media’s false claims of a Russian op, but to a money laundering investigation.

Investing in Joe Biden or, as one message allegedly has it, "the big guy", meant depositing the money with James or Hunter. And then Hunter deposited a laptop with a small computer repair shop in Delaware five miles from his father’s home, and never picked it up. The rest is history.

And the history is happening now.

The Hunter Biden laptop unrolls two ragged threads. One is the descent of Joe Biden’s son into new depths of depravity and the other are the foreign investors who bought into Joe Biden Inc.

The alleged photos of Hunter Biden’s drug use and underage girls might be dismissed as a spoiled rich kid’s demons. But, looking at public photos and videos of Joe Biden touching, caressing, and sniffing women and young girls, it’s hard not to see the influence. What did a teenage Hunter grow up seeing his father do? How did that shape him into the man he is?

And why was Hunter able to get away with it for so long?

In alleged text messages exchanged between Joe and Hunter Biden, father and son discuss "sexually inappropriate" behavior with a 14-year-old girl.

"She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time," Hunter appeared to message his father.

What was done about this? The odds are good that the answer is nothing.

The Hunter Biden laptop was turned over to the FBI in December of 2019. And the FBI appears to have done little with it. Giuliani submitted material allegedly showing criminal sexual behavior to the Delaware police who passed it off to the Delaware Department of Justice.

A spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings said it was sent to the FBI.

Jennings is not only a Democrat, but a friend of the Biden family who had worked under Beau Biden and has been vigorously campaigning for Joe Biden.

"I’ve known Joe, Jill, and the Biden family for most of my life. Joe is one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve ever known," Jennings had posted on her Facebook page.

The Biden family may have been able to get away with a lot for the same reason as the Kennedy clan. They were big fish in a small pond being protected by the Democrat club. Like some Kennedy sons, Hunter may have spun out of control because he could get away with it.

That’s why Hunter Biden’s story is just an echo of Joe. Father and son appear to share a boundless greed for unearned wealth and women, and a complete lack of self-control with both.

And both men have spent their lives being protected from the consequences of their actions.

Laptop computers, like notebooks, are the mirrors of their owners. We use them and fill them with the things that matter to us. Going through a lost laptop or phone tells us a lot about the man or woman who spent years with it. Hunter Biden’s laptop is a mirror of the man. And the mirror shows a broken and corrupt human being filling its gigabytes with his demons.

What were Hunter Biden’s demons? The same as the ones that bedeviled Joe. Women and money. And as dirty and wrong as possible. That’s why Hunter allegedly didn’t just seek out money, he went after business opportunities in the most corrupt places in the world, like Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China, and he didn’t just chase women.

Instead, Rudy Giuliani has said that the laptop contained photos of underage girls.

But the bigger story isn’t Hunter’s depravity, it’s the business opportunities, the lobbying gigs and board seats offered to him by foreign companies looking to invest in Joe Biden.

In less than two weeks, Joe Biden’s stock will either boom or bust. And voters are entitled to know who, beyond the battalions of domestic special interests from Wall Street to Hollywood, from the gun control lobby to green businesses, pouring hundreds of millions into his campaign, is getting ready to collect interest on the foreign money that financed Hunter’s lifestyle.

Hunter Biden's emails offer a window into a global operation, in the Ukraine, in Kazakhstan, and the People's Republic of China, of investing in Joe Biden courtesy of his wastrel son.

Joe Biden has claimed that he has nothing to do with his son’s business affairs, but that’s a transparent lie that had been shot down even long before the laptop by media reporting. The media is frantically trying to bury information that backs up their own reporting from the primaries when the same media now trying to save Joe Biden originally wanted to bury him.

Why did so many Democrat officials, beginning with Barack Obama, try to keep Joe Biden from running in 2016 and then 2020? Joe Biden is a mediocre hack, but he’s a better candidate than Hillary Clinton, not to mention lefty luminaries like Al Gore or John Kerry. The problem was that the small state that spawned the Biden crime family was littered with their dirty laundry.

And now, in the final stretch before Election Day, the messy stained laundry is spilling out.

Like Humpty Dumpty, all the Democrat horses and men are trying to keep the mess contained. Twitter and Facebook are blatantly suppressing the story. The media has refused to cover the biggest scandal of the election while falsely claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation despite clear denials by the intelligence community and the FBI.

Hunter Biden’s laptop isn’t just evidence of a degenerate past, but of the coming attractions.

The Biden crime family has built a global network of contacts. And when their father was a mere veep, they could only wet their beaks a little. If he wins, they’ll be able to drown in money.

Joe could throw around his weight in a backwater like Ukraine, but if he wins, Burisma will just be a tiny taste of what is to come. And the corruption in D.C. will make Delaware blush again.

Corruption is nothing new in D.C., but what the laptop reveals about Hunter Biden and his father is that, like the Clintons, they have no self-control. And the only thing more dangerous than cunning crooks at the head of a nation are inept kleptocrats who would leave evidence of their financial and sexual corruption on a laptop abandoned in a Delaware repair shop.

As new details trickle out, two things are obvious about the Biden crime family: they’re not only as crooked as a bent tree in a thunderstorm, they’re also hopelessly stupid at covering it up.

Even as the media denies everything for the Bidens, they have yet to deny the core facts.

Rep. Schiff may claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a Russian conspiracy, but neither Joe nor Hunter will say it. And what Schiff and the Democrats and their media can only say behind their backs is that they can’t believe how corrupt and incompetent the horse they bet on really is.

They haven’t seen anything yet.

Some signs of the couple’s prior lifestyle, however, appear to have remained in tact. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, Biden’s charitable giving has only slightly increased. According to the most recent tax returns released, Biden gave 1.4 percent of his income to charity in 2016. The following year, when the couple reported making 11 million, they donated just around 9.2 percent to charity. The percentage fell significantly in 2018 to six percent, even though the couple earned more than $4.58 million.

The more you know about Biden, the ickier he is

By Andrea Widburg

We've long known that Joe Biden is a man with unseemly habits. He sniffs and fondles little girls, swims naked in front of female Secret Service agents, and has a legitimate sexual assault claim hanging over him.  If the Biden hard drive documents are legitimate (and they seem to be), he used his drug-addicted son as a bagman for bribes from foreign governments and businesses and knew that his son was inappropriate with underage girls.  A recently unearthed 1974 interview with Biden shows us the genesis of all these gross and illegal activities.

Kitty Kelly interviewed Biden two years after he entered Congress — and two years after his wife, Neilia, ran a stop sign and collided with a truck, killing her and their baby daughter.  Beau and Hunter suffered serious injuries.  (Hunter had a "serious head injury," which — and I say this without sarcasm — may explain a lot about his struggles with drugs and alcohol.)  It was a tragedy and garnered the 31-year-old Biden some much deserved sympathy.

Sympathy, however, cannot obscure that Biden is an unpleasantly weird character.  There's the arrogance from a man who was a mediocre student at best:

"My wife always wanted me to be on the Supreme Court," he says. "But while I know I can be a good Senator, and I know I can be a good President, I do know that I could never be another Oliver Wendell Holmes. I know I could have easily made the White House with Neilia. And my family still expects me to be there one of these days. With them behind me anything can happen."

Biden also engages in weird sexual boasting about his dead wife, both in terms of how sexy she was and how much she sexually satisfied him:

"Neilia was my very best friend, my greatest ally, my sensuous lover. The longer we lived together the more we enjoyed everything from sex to sports. Most guys don't really know what I lost because they never knew what I had…."


"Let me show you my favorite picture of her," he says, holding up a snapshot of Neilia in a bikini. "She had the best body of any woman I ever saw. She looks better than a Playboy bunny, doesn't she?"


"At first she stayed at home with the kids while I campaigned but that didn't work out because I'd come back too tired to talk to her. I might satisfy her in bed but I didn't have much time for anything else."

Do you want to know about Joe Biden's sex life and his Playboy bunny fantasies?  I sure don't.  His sexual obsessions seem to pair well with his behavior around little girls.

Biden's compulsive boasting shows up, too.  Was Joe really a "football hero"?  He says he was, but we now know he freely borrowed other people's life experiences.  Also, while he praises his dead wife's intelligence, there's the familiar theme of his own above-average intelligence:

"She was the most intelligent human being I have ever known. She was absolutely brilliant. I'm smart but Neilia was ten times smarter."

Biden is also openly greedy.  When you read his complaints about this salary, you can practically see him thinking of ways to use his political power to augment the salary:

Unlike most other senators, Biden makes no bones about saving he is underpaid. Last September, when the Senate was debating a pay raise for itself, he said, "I don't know about the rest of you but I am worth a lot more than my salary of $42,500 [$224,379.31 in 2020] a year in this body. It seems to me that we should flat out tell the American people we are worth our salt."

No wonder Biden told Kelly he was already feeling "the temptation to sell out":

He feels the indignity is compounded by the temptation to sell out to big business or big labor for financial help, and says it's almost impossible for a candidate to remain true to his conscience in this situation. He admits that more than once he was tempted to compromise to get campaign money.

While Biden claimed then that the memory of his upright wife restrained him from corruption, that restraint apparently vanished over the years.

The whole interview is peculiar and creepy.  It also foreshadows the man Biden became after 47 years of power and corruption.

Lastly, here's something to chew on, which I think is the most unnerving statement that Biden made in the whole interview:

He defines politics as power. "And, whether you like it or not, young lady," he says, leaning over his desk to shake a finger at me, "us cruddy politicians can take away that First Amendment of yours if we want to."

That's the Democrat view of politics in a nutshell: it's about power, and Democrats in power will always trample Americans' constitutional rights given half a chance.


Some signs of the couple’s prior lifestyle, however, appear to have remained in tact. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, Biden’s charitable giving has only slightly increased. According to the most recent tax returns released, Biden gave 1.4 percent of his income to charity in 2016. The following year, when the couple reported making 11 million, they donated just around 9.2 percent to charity. The percentage fell significantly in 2018 to six percent, even though the couple earned more than $4.58 million.



Federal Lawsuit: Joe Biden’s Brother Accused of Defrauding Rural Healthcare Company



Former Vice President Joe Biden’s younger brother, James, is being accused of defrauding a Tennessee rural healthcare company.

A lawsuit filed in federal court late last month alleges James Biden, who has a history of murky financial dealings, and his associates deceived and defrauded two Tennessee businessmen.

Michael Frey and his business partner, Dr. Mohannad Azzam, brought the suit claiming James Biden and his associates promised and failed to line up investors for their rural healthcare enterprise. Instead, the suit alleges, James Biden urged the two men to borrow $10 million from a hedge fund manager involved in the deal and then proceeded to pass their idea off as his own to a conglomerate of Turkish investors.

“The lawsuit takes direct aim at Biden, painting him as a con artist who uses his ties to his brother — now a Democratic candidate for president — to lure his victims,” the Knoxville News Sentinel reported.

According to documents filed with the U.S. District Court, Frey and his wife developed a business model to take over rural hospitals and retrofit them to not only offer traditional hospital care, but also drug addiction and mental health treatment. After incorporating the enterprise as Diverse Medical Management, they brought on Azzam, “who contracted with nursing homes to provide medical care for seniors.”

The business model was lucrative enough that by 2017, Frey and Azzam were actively pitching it to investors and hospitals across the country. One investor particularly taken with the idea was Americore Health, an operator of rural hospitals.

At the behest of Americore CEO, Grant White, Frey and Azzam were urgd to pitch their business plan to rural hospitals in Kentucky. It was at one such meeting where the two men met James Biden, who identified himself as a “principal” at Americore.

Not long after their initial encounter, James Biden introduced the men to Michael Lewitt, a hedge fund manager and well-known “credit strategist.” Around this time, Americore made plans to buy Diverse Medical for the sum $7 million.

Despite the deal, Americore quickly fell behind on its scheduled payments to Frey and Azzam. It was then that James Biden and Lewitt, as detailed in the lawsuit, hatched a plan to oust White and sell Americore along with Diverse Medical to a third company called the Platinum Group.

Biden or Lewitt’s role within the Platinum Group is unclear. The organization, which is little-known and has no social media presence, is likely a holding company specifically set up for the purchase of Americore.

Frey and Azzam appear to have been uncomfortable with turn the deal took, especially the notion of removing White. The men, though, went along with the plan after being told a payout was “imminent.”

“They repeatedly assured (Frey) that investment capital originating from and flowing through foreign entities was not only certain, but was imminent,” documents filed by Frey and Azzam’s attorney state.

James Biden is alleged to have put the men at ease by playing up his political connections.  The lawsuit reads:

Biden promised (Frey’s) Intensive Outpatient Model would play an integral role in health care policy at the highest levels of the United States government.

Since the deal had evolved to include the purchase of Americore, Frey and Azzam were encouraged to take a $10 million loan — part of which would came from Lewitt’s hedge fund — to expand their business. Frey and Azzam claim the loan was taken with the understanding it would be repaid by money brought in from new investors.

Throughout the entire process, the suit states, James Biden was promising investment capital was forthcoming. As more time elapsed and new investors failed to materialize, Frey and Azzam became suspicious they were being set up. Those feelings only intensified when James Biden inadvertently sent Frey a text message about their company meant for someone else in November 2018.

“We can wrap a/c into Frey’s entity further diluting them both in the process? After we take control of both. Just a thought,” the purported text from James Biden reads, as included in the lawsuit. “We must have complete control, too many moving pieces. Jim.”

When asked to explain, James Biden demurred and requested more information on Diverse Medical and the range of healthcare services offered. Even though they provided the information, Azzam and Frey’s suspicions were only further heightened.

The final breakdown in the relationship occurred when the men learned that Biden and Lewitt had left them out of the picture when selling the deal in Turkey. Although, Azzam and Frey knew their business model was being pitched to the “Qatar Investment Authority in Turkey,” they were unaware the documents presented to investors by James Biden and Lewitt were scrubbed clean of the Tennessee businessmen. The lawsuit says:

On January 23, Platinum Group … and Biden submitted a White Paper … outlining ‘Platinum Group Diverse Medical Management (PGDMM)’s business model. What the investors were not told, however, was that this white paper was drafted by (Frey and Azzam) and sent to Biden … Platinum Group simply replaced all references to Plaintiffs with PGDMM, a non-existent entity.

When Frey and Azzam attempted to reassert control over their business, the lawsuit alleges that Lewitt demanded repayment of the money his hedge fund loaned them.

It is unclear if the lawsuit will progress or if James Biden and Lewitt will choose to settle given the high-profile nature of the allegations and the impact they may pose to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

This is not the first time that James Biden’s business dealings have raised eyebrows. As Breitbart News reported on Friday, the younger-Biden received “unusually generous” bank loans to open a night club during the 1970s while his brother sat on the Senate Banking Committee. The ample terms under which the loans were issued drew attention and concerns about influence peddling given James Biden’s lack of business experience and paltry net worth.

The former vice president’s younger brother is not member of the Biden clan to come under fire for leveraging political connections to secure lucrative business deals recently. In Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, Peter Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News, revealed that in 2013 “Hunter Biden’s firm signed a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after Joe and Hunter Biden flew to China aboard Air Force Two.”

Schweizer also detailed how Hunter Biden secured a seat on the board of Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), which invested in a Chinese company that was indicted for engaging in a “nuclear power conspiracy against the United States.”

“When you have the motive of greed and when you don’t worry too much about ethics, it’s very easy to come up with creative ways to enrich yourself, and one of those is what we call ‘American princelings,” Schweizer told Breitbart News Tonight last year. “The term ‘princelings’ is really a term that’s been widely used in China and in the West to talk about China, where in communist China, if you want to get deals done, if you want to get favors from the government, you basically do business with their children, and these children of communist party officials are called the princelings.”



‘10% Joe’ – From Grandfather to Godfather

By David Isaac

We thought Joe Biden was the grandfather. It turns out he’s more like the godfather.

It’s the big reveal in the Hunter Biden story.

Until now, we thought Hunter, the “f—ked up addict that can’t be trusted” (in his own words) who sent not one but three laptops full of incriminating material in for repairs – an act so stupid that even crack can’t be blamed – was the one taking advantage of his father’s position to enrich himself. 

(Compounding the idiocy, despite repeated notifications, he failed to pay the $85 bill to reclaim the one salvageable laptop, so that after 90 days it became the legal property of the repair shop.)

What we learn from the laptop is that Joe (referred to as “the big guy”) was to get a 10% cut of the loot from a deal with a now defunct Chinese energy company with strong ties to the Chinese government (the email outlines an equity split including “20 for H” and “10 held by H for the big guy.” That makes “10% Joe” analogous to the Godfather, the capo dei capi, the boss due his share of the family’s enterprises.

So Biden is  getting “his beak wet,” as former NYC Mayor and current Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani points out in a damning video describing the “Biden crime family’s payoff scheme.”

There’s more.  Hunter tells his daughter Naomi in a 2018 text-message exchange: “I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

It would take some real mental gymnastics to convince any normal person – that is, anyone not marinating in Democratic talking points - that “Pop” wasn’t referring to Joe Biden.

Did Biden really get half? It sounds more like Hunter is complaining that he had to give his dad anything.

The amount really doesn’t matter. It puts paid to Joe’s claims that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” It should lead to a federal investigation, starting with subpoenas to Hunter’s banks.

Other emails are equally damning when it comes to Joe’s claims to know nothing of his son’s business affairs. There’s the email from Burisma board adviser Vadym Pozharskyi thanking Hunter for setting up a meeting with then Vice President Biden.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

Up to now the worst that was usually said of Biden is that he wasn’t up to the job. He was a kindly grandfather who was cognitively slipping. To Trump opponents, it didn’t matter. What was important was that Biden would return the country to “normalcy.” Peggy Noonan wrote in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 8):

“If Joe Biden wins big, part of the reason, maybe a big part, will be simply that he is normal. Not ‘he’s such an accomplished legislator,’ not ‘he’s the man of the future’ or ‘charismatic’ or ‘warm’ or ‘has such a moving back story.’ No. He is normal. And people miss normal so much.”

A family business raking in millions for access to U.S. policy makers is “normal”? 

Still less excusable than Noonan’s silly remarks are those of U.S. Adm. (ret.) William McRaven, who extols Biden in the Wall Street Journal (Oct. 20), well after the scandal broke: “We need a leader of integrity whose decency and sense of respect reflects the values we expect from our president.”

We hope McRaven was a better admiral than he is a judge of character.

And the response of mainstream media to the Post’s revelations?

In what may be the most blatant example of media censorship in U.S. history, the story has been buried by Big Tech and blackballed/denied by the media giants.

Facebook and Twitter, in the tank for Biden, both blocked the link to the Post story. Twitter blocked the Trump campaign’s official account and also that of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. The major news outlets have rushed in unison to label the Post scoop “Russian disinformation.” Their response was so monolithic that John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence felt impelled to intervene, assuring there was “no intelligence that supports that.”

The hard drive is full of pictures of the Biden family, Hunter (sometimes in compromising positions) and over 11,000 emails, most of them harmless. And why, as Giuliani points out, did Hunter Biden’s lawyers repeatedly demand his computer be returned (once they realized the disaster that was brewing)? Seems like a strange approach if you think it’s all Russian disinformation, and not Hunter’s computer at all.


'Middle class Joe' Biden cashed in to the tune of $15 million after leaving vice presidency


By Thomas Lifson

Joe Biden has released his tax returns as part of the Democrats' campaign to force the release of President Trump's tax returns.  Access to those returns, with hundreds, probably thousands of pages each year, would enable them to niggle-to-death every detail.  It's an obvious trap intended to distract and mire a president who has accomplished an astounding list of achievements, starting with reversing the "new normal" of stagnation that Obama assured us would require a "magic wand" to reverse.

But it turns out that Biden has made himself and his wife, "Doctor Jill Biden" (with a doctorate in education), into multimillionaires in just over two years.  Even NPR sees the problem for his image:

Former Vice President Joe Biden has referred to himself as "middle class Joe" throughout his political career, and used to regularly joke about being the "poorest person on Congress."

Those terms no longer apply.

Biden and his wife, Jill, have together earned more than $15 million since Biden left office. That's according to tax returns and other financial disclosure forms released by Biden's campaign on Tuesday. The bulk of the Bidens' earnings come from book sales and paid speaking engagements — two routine sources of income for former high-ranking public officials.

The documents show Biden has earned far more than the rest of the 2020 presidential field, with the likely exception of billionaire Tom Steyer, who entered the race Tuesday.

I don't know about you, but I prefer my rich politicians to have made their money before they enter what is laughably called "public service."

I still don't think Biden will be the nominee.  But if he does cop the Dems' crown, the phoniness of his claims to be an ordinary guy will be self-evident.

Of Biden can be said what originally was said of the early missionaries who came to Hawaii and bought up land: "They came to do good, and did very well, indeed."


Exclusive: Hunter Biden Lived in Wilmington House with Classified Documents While Bagging Millions Linked to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence

782hunter-biden-joe-biden-china-documents-getty-ap-twitterCEFC; AP Photo; P. Richards, J. Watson/Getty Images; Twitter

18 Jan 20230


While addicted to drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and making deals with businessmen tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, Hunter Biden lived in the house where Joe Biden stored classified documents.

On a background-check application dated July 2018, Hunter Biden claimed that he paid $49,910 per month in rent and that his “current residence” at that time was 1209 Barley Mill Road in Wilmington, Delaware, according to a document found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

Hunter also listed that Wilmington address as his primary residence on at least one form of identification (his Delaware driver’s license) and used the same address as his billing address for both his personal credit card and Apple account in 2018 and 2019, a review of files from Hunter’s abandoned laptop reveals.

According to the background check document, Hunter claimed that he paid rent from March 2017 until February 2018 (11 months) at the Wilmington address leading some to wonder if he was paying rent to his father, who has owned the home since 1996. But Hunter apparently filled out the form in error.

Contrary to some reporting, Hunter Biden was not paying his father $49,910 per month; rather, that figure represents the amount Hunter was paying to rent prime office space at the prestigious House of Sweden in Washington, D.C., materials in Hunter’s laptop show.

Nevertheless, the period that Hunter claimed he was living at 1209 Barley Mill Rd (the Wilmington house where classified documents were found) overlaps with the time multiple Biden family members were taking money from foreign businessmen linked to the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence apparatus.


President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in Johns Island, SC, on Aug. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Hunter claimed on various documents and financial statements that he lived at the Wilmington House between early 2017 and 2019—immediately following his father’s second term as vice president and as Joe Biden was gearing up for his presidential run.

Given the discovery of the classified documents at multiple unsecure locations, the timeline of the Bidens’ Chinese business deals paints a troubling picture.

Beginning in late 2015, while his father was still vice president, Hunter Biden began making plans to meet with officials from the Chinese energy company CEFC. CEFC and at least four of its principals and associates, Ye Jianming, Patrick Ho, Gongwen Dong and Jiaqi Bao, have been linked to the Chinese government and its military intelligence apparatus. Hunter once described Patrick Ho as “the fucking spy chief of China.”

Many observers viewed CEFC as a state-directed entity. CNN, for example reported in 2018:

From the yellow stars in its logo to the fact it had China in its name – a privilege normally reserved for state-owned companies – CEFC China Energy’s messaging strongly suggested state ties.

By early 2017, Hunter was directly corresponding with CEFC personnel and flew to Miami in February of that year to meet with CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming. During this trip, Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 3.16 carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000.


Photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop showing the diamond he received from the CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming.

When Hunter’s ex-wife discovered that he had obtained something of such immense value, she had her divorce attorney send an “Urgent” email seeking to determine the whereabouts of the diamond and secure the asset before Hunter could “dissipate” it. Hunter’s attorney offered a shady denial:

There is no diamond in Hunter’s possession. I don’t know where Kathleen is getting access to this information, but on this score, what your email purports below is inaccurate.

Metadata gleaned from photos of the diamond on the abandoned laptop indicate that Hunter lied about not having the diamond and he in fact had the diamond with him in Wilmington. The current location of the 3.16 carat diamond remains unknown.

After the fateful February 2017 meeting with Ye, and around the time Hunter claimed to have moved into the Wilmington house where classified documents were found, the Bidens’ business with CEFC exploded.

Nine days after Miami meeting, Hunter received two separate wire transfers of $3 million which the Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network flagged as suspicious.


CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming (Photo: CEFC)

Between April 2017 and September 2018, CEFC and its affiliates funneled millions of dollars to the Bidens (mostly to Hunter, but some of that money flowed to Joe Biden’s brother and sister-in-law, James and Sara Biden). Joe Biden met with Hunter’s business partners during this time. All the while, top secret and sensitive compartmented information documents were just lying around in unsecured locations (such as the closet of the Penn Biden Center and the Wilmington garage), easily accessible by the Bidens and their associates.

James Biden, Joe’s brother, was central to the Biden business dealings with CEFC. One of Hunter’s former business associates, Tony Bobulinski, messaged another associate, James Gilliar, on April 30, 2017, wondering “what is the deal [with] Jim Biden as he wasn’t part of the discussion and now seems a focal point.” Likely alluding to Hunter’s addictions, Gilliar replied:

[With Hunter’s] demons, [it] could be good to have [Jimmy as] a backup…he strengthens our U[nique] S[elling] P[roposition] to [the] Chinese as it looks like a truly family business. [Emphasis added]

Bobulinski met with Hunter, James, and Joe Biden for at least an hour on the evening of May 2, 2017, and he alleges that they discussed the Biden family business dealings in China with which the former vice president was “plainly familiar.”


James and Sara Biden arrive at the White House to attend the State Dinner for South Korea, on October 13, 2011. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

On May 13, 2017, Gilliar emailed Bobulinski an equity breakdown of a new business venture involving CEFC wherein Gilliar proposed Hunter will hold a 20 percent equity stake and 10 percent will be held by Hunter for “the big guy.” Tony Bobulinski alleges that Joe Biden is the big guy.

According to messages Bobulinski provided to congressional investigators, Hunter claimed he talked to Ye on a “regular basis” because “we have a standing once a week call as I am also his personal counsel (we signed an attorney client engagement letter) in the U.S.” Hunter also claimed he was advising Ye “on a number of his personal issues (staff visas and some more sensitive things).”

The chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming, has been linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence and CNN reported that Ye was a suspected “princeling” of People’s Liberation Army top brass.

In their summer 2017 correspondences, Hunter sent “best wishes from the entire Biden family” and Ye concluded his reply “please accept my best regards to you and your family.”

Between February 9, 2017, and December 20,2018, tens of millions—perhaps more than $150 million—flowed between a dizzying web of CEFC-linked companies and shell corporations. And some of that money went directly into Biden family coffers.

On August 8, 2017, CEFC wired $5 million to an entity called Hudson West III. That same day, Hudson West began wiring payments that would ultimately total $4,790,375.25 to Hunter Biden’s Owasco LLC. The last payment was on September 25, 2018, according to congressional investigators. Between August 14, 2017, and August 3, 2018, Owasco sent 20 wires totaling $1,398,999 to James and his wife Sara Biden’s consulting firm.


The following photo retrieved from Hunter Biden’s hard drive appears to show a flow chart describing the ownership breakdown of Hudson West.

Throughout the summer of 2017, as the CEFC arrangements were being hashed out, Hunter talked with Ye Jianming about the impending legal troubles of another CEFC principal, Patrick Ho (the “spy chief”).

In September 2017, Hunter agreed to represent Ho and executed an agreement to provide “Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer.” Hunter was ultimately paid $1 million through his Owasco LLC (the wire transfer memo line read “Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation”) to represent Ho.

Patrick Ho was arrested on November 18, 2017 and he was convicted in December 2018 on international bribery and money laundering charges, according to the New York Times. Upon incarceration, Ho’s first phone call from jail was to James Biden. He was looking for Hunter and James Biden gave him Hunter’s contact information.

Notably, Hunter Biden had never been a serious attorney, so his receiving one million dollars to represent Ho is notable given that Hunter was apparently living in a house with classified documents at the time.


Patrick Ho, former Hong Kong home secretary and senior executive with CEFC Fund, poses during an interview in Hong Kong in July 2015. (AP Photo)

The same month that Hunter executed the representation agreement for the Patrick Ho matter, September 2017, CEFC-linked companies provided three separate credit cards for Hunter, James, and Sara Biden. These credit cards allowed the Bidens to go on extravagant shopping sprees and the racked up more than $100,000 in purchases.

Also in September 2017, Hunter Biden leased the plush office space at the House of Sweden for an entity called the Biden Foundation and for a CEFC branch. A September 2017 email shows Hunter requesting keys to the building for Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, and “Chairman Ye CEFC emissary.” It was here that he paid $49,910 per month. in rent.

And it was at this time that Hunter claimed 1209 Barley Mill Road as his residence. That home, owned by Joe and Jill Biden, is where Joe Biden kept the sensitive documents next to his Corvette in the garage (“so it’s not like [these classified documents] were just sitting in the street,” Biden said in his own defense last week).

By spring 2018, the business with CEFC was beginning to fall apart. Patrick Ho was tainted by his international bribery charges and Ye Jianming was under investigation in China for “suspected economic crimes,” and had essentially vanished after detention by CCP officials.

In a now famous January 2019 text message, Hunter complained to his daughter Naomi that Joe Biden (whom the family called “Pop”) had demanded half his (Hunter’s) salary for decades:

I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family [for] 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.

Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter’s business dealings which helped to finance father’s monthly bills, paid for repairs to the Barley Mill road estate in Wilmington, and bankrolled the office space for Joe and Jill Biden’s foundation at the pricey House of Sweden complex.


Hunter Biden (right) watches as his father Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2021. (Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP)

My colleague Peter Schweizer’s runaway bestseller, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, first revealed that the Biden family received some $31 million from the highest levels of Chinese intelligence at the same time Hunter was paying the vice president’s bills. Schweizer believes that there is a slam dunk case to indict Hunter Biden.

The latest developments involving apparent mishandling of classified information underscore the gravity of the ongoing Biden corruption scandals.

Seamus Bruner is the director of research at the Government Accountability Institute and the author of Compromised: How Money & Politics Drive FBI Corruption and Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russia Spies, and D.C. Lies. Follow him @seamusbruner.



‘Middle Class Joe’ Is Actually Multi-Millionaire Joe

Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images

9 Jul 2019911


Former Vice President Joe Biden, who often pitches himself as “Middle Class Joe” on the campaign trail, is a multi-millionaire, according to his most recent tax returns.

On Tuesday, Biden’s presidential campaign released three years worth of tax filings showing the Democrat frontrunner and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, earned more than $15.6 million since leaving the White House. The majority of the couple’s income came from a book deal — estimated to be worth $8 million — and lucrative speaking engagements.

In 2017, Biden’s first year out of elective office since 1973, the couple earned more than $11 million. This was exponentially more than the $396,552 both reported making in 2016. The following year, the couple’s annual income decreased slightly to $4. 58 million.

Biden’s political standing appears to be the reason for the couple’s new found wealth. The returns show that Biden earned $9.49 million in 2017 through CelticCapri Corp., a shell company named after the couple’s Secret Service code names.

CelticCapri, which was incorporated in Delaware only days after Biden left office, serves as the main vehicle for the former vice president’s public engagements. In 2018, Biden was paid $2.73 million through the company for appearances and speeches all across the country. In total, over the two year period, Biden made 49 speeches with some generating honorariums upwards of $249,000.

Not to be outdone, Jill Biden also cashed in on her public persona. The former second lady delivered 18 speeches between 2017 and 2018, earning on average $36,000 per event. Giacoppa Corp., the former second lady’s shell company named after her family’s original last name, reported paying her more than $557,00 in 2017 and $506,000 in 2018 for such engagements.

Rounding out the couple’s income was Biden’s pension from the U.S. Senate and the vice presidency which generated $241,00 in 2017 and more than $190,000 in 2018. Biden also earned a six figure salary from the University of Pennsylvania. The former vice president leads the university’s Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C., a position that paid more than $371,000 in 2017 and more than $405,000 in 2018.

The couple’s income for both 2017 and 2018 put them squarely within the top one one percent of economic earners, a threshold set at $480,930 by the IRS. In fact, the former vice president’s income was the largest of any of his fellow 2020 Democrats.

Biden’s ascension into the economic elite comes relatively late in life. For the majority of his political career, Biden was one of the poorest members of Congress. The couple’s income barely edged above $300,000 until Biden’s first year in the vice president’s office, when he became eligible to to receive social security and his governmental pension.

Despite waiting so long to break into the one percent, the Bidens appear to have comfortably transitioned into their new lifestyle. Last month, it was disclosed the couple now resides in a 11,750 square foot Georgian-style mansion overlooking the Potomac River in McLean, Virginia. Biden rents the house, which once belonged to the late-Secretary of State Alexander Haig, even though he owns two properties within driving distance in his home state of Delaware. One of those is a recently purchased $2.7 million vacation house on the Atlantic Ocean.

Some signs of the couple’s prior lifestyle, however, appear to have remained in tact. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, Biden’s charitable giving has only slightly increased. According to the most recent tax returns released, Biden gave 1.4 percent of his income to charity in 2016. The following year, when the couple reported making 11 million, they donated just around 9.2 percent to charity. The percentage fell significantly in 2018 to six percent, even though the couple earned more than $4.58 million.

Since signaling his intention to run for president, Biden has sought to regain some of the working-class appeal that was exhibited in his early career.

“I know I’m called Middle-Class Joe. It’s not meant to be a compliment. It means I’m not sophisticated. But I know what made this country what it is: ordinary people doing extraordinary things,” the former vice president said last year.


Joe Biden’s Donor List Includes More than 30 Executives Tied to Wall Street



Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has more than 30 business executives on his donor list that have connections to Wall Street.

Analysis of Biden’s more than 800 big donors, those who have bundled contributions for his presidential bid against President Trump, found that more than 30 of the executives listed have ties to Wall Street.

CNBC reports:

CNBC reviewed a new list of more than 800 Biden bundlers who raised at least $100,000 for the campaign, and found that several of them had links to financial firms. A few had been mentioned on the initial list of Biden fundraisers that was released in 2019 during the Democratic primary contests. [Emphasis added]

Beyond those from Wall Street, Biden’s campaign saw fundraising help from leaders in Silicon Valley, including LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and venture capitalist Ron Conway. [Emphasis added]

Those executives with ties to Wall Street funding Biden’s campaign include:

Frank Baker, Brett Barth, Jim Chanos, Mark Chorazak, David Clunie, William Derrough, Roger Altman, Blair Effron, Jon Feigelson, Mark Gallogly, John Rogers, Jon Gray, Tony James, Jon Henes, Sonny Kalsi, Orin Kramer, Brad Krap, Brian Kreiter, Marc Lasry, Nate Loewenthall, Eric Mindich, Kara Moore, Charles Myers, Alan Patricof, Deven Parekh, Robert Rubin, Evan Roth, Faiza Saeed, Rajen Shah, Jay Snyder, Rob Stavis, and Jeff Zients.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s campaign is being backed by nearly “all the big banks” on Wall Street, according to CNN analysis, and Wall Street executives and employees have donated more than $74 million to elect the former vice president.

Trump, on the other hand, has accepted far less money from Wall Street — taking just a little over $18 million dollars from financial firms. This is a whopping $56 million less than what Biden has accepted from Wall Street.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania.

In a post on Sunday, Biden wrote that “Donald Trump sees the world from Park Avenue,” whereas he sees the world “from where I came from: Scranton, Pennsylvania.” In fact, Biden has raised over $1 million from wealthy Park Avenue donors, more than eight times the less than $130,000 that Trump has taken from Park Avenue residents.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter 

at @JxhnBinder

Treasury Withholds Biden Family Suspicious Bank Records, James Comer Threatens Subpoena

80GettyImages-1242142290 (1)Drew Angerer/Getty Images, NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

27 Jan 20230


The Treasury Department on Wednesday denied the House Oversight Committee’s request to disclose 150 suspicious reports flagged by U.S. banks concerning Biden family business transactions, causing the committee’s chairman to threaten a subpoena.

U.S. banks have flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chair, told Breitbart News. The wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks.

Wire transfers are widely used by money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Comer demanded the Treasury on January 11 to turn over the suspicious bank records. But the Treasury denied Comer’s request, citing “improper disclosure” of relevant information that could reduce the Biden administration’s ability to “conduct of law enforcement, intelligence, and national security activities.”

Treasury’s legislative affairs chief Jonathan Davidson asked Comer to provide more justification for seeking “highly sensitive” information on the Biden family business.

The Oversight committee responded Thursday and vowed to retrieve the bank reports by the “power of the gavel if needed.”

“[T]his coordinated effort by the Biden Administration to hide information about President Biden and his family’s shady business schemes is alarming and raises many questions,” he added.


The Biden family bank records are a key trove of information related to the House’s investigation into the Bidens for alleged violations, including wire fraud and money laundering.

The suspicious records will provide details about how the family business operates and desired transparency on Hunter’s anonymous art sales and foreign business transactions, along with knowledge of whether Joe Biden remains compromised by foreign governments through his family’s business.

CNN reported in January the family business remains operational, even as Joe Biden is president. On at least two separate occasions, Frank Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother, publicly cited the president as a means by which he has influence, despite holding no government position or relation to the White House other than by having the same last name as the president and being his sibling.

The Biden family has been alleged to have been peddling influence many times over Joe Biden’s career.

According to Breitbart News’s senior contributor Peter Schweizer, Hunter earned great sums of money from Ukraine for which he “offered no real work,” a statement that infers Hunter was profiting from peddling White House influence. In one of the most blatant examples, Hunter was paid $83,000 per month in 2017 to be on the board of Burisma. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no prior experience in the energy sector or Ukraine.


In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Elise Stefanik: Whistleblowers Will Be Key in Helping Republicans Expose Government Corruption

20GettyImages-1246527467 (1)Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

28 Jan 20231,095


House Republicans must make whistleblowers feel “comfortable in coming forward” and testifying on government corruption witnessed within federal agencies, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, told Breitbart News Saturday.

The work done on the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Stefanik said, will be what she described as “some of the most important work that House Republicans do in the majority” in terms of bringing “accountability and transparency to what the American people understand has been the weaponization of the federal government against everyday Americans.” She cited several examples, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) designating concerned parents as domestic terrorists or the FBI targeting President Joe Biden’s political adversaries.

Americans, Stefanik continued, see that there appears to be two sets of rules: “One set of rules if you are a well-connected Democrat who was part of the swamp” and another for law abiding Americans who happen to hold conservative views.

“So there’s a lot of digging that we need to do, let alone the egregious illegal acts,” she said, highlighting the FBI working with Twitter to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“So the first service we can do is shining sunlight and bringing transparency, and we have subpoena power or in the majority and we’re not going to hesitate to use it,” she explained.

Stefanik admitted they anticipate a lack of cooperation from the Biden White House and Department of Justice but said they will “use every tool at our disposal” to bring the truth to light.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) building headquarters is seen in Washington, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

“Obviously, there is egregious, egregious crimes that have been committed if they’re so unwilling to turn over just basic documents, basic information to Congress. And, you know, hopefully what will come out of this is not only shining a transparent spotlight on these abuses of power on potential criminal acts, we need to reform these agencies so they’re not able to target Americans. Again, these agencies work for the American people, not the other way around,” the congresswoman explained, making it clear that there are good individuals who work at these agencies as well — some of whom may be willing to speak out, which could be key in exposing government corruption.

“There is a difference between the rank-and-file, hard-working, law-abiding FBI agents across this country, versus the politicized bureaucrats, the political appointees based in Washington, D.C.,” she said, citing a buried report that came out prior to the midterm elections from the Judiciary Committee, detailing “multiple whistleblowers from within the FBI and the Department of Justice who came forward” and provided what she described as a “deposition of the abuse that they see internally of the FBI from political leaders at the top and how they’re trying to use the Biden agenda.”

“So an example, there was an extraordinary amount of pressure to designate acts as domestic violent extremism as part of the left’s agenda, to boost that number in terms of the reporting. And these regional FBI officials across the country said that, basically to boost your score to boost your likelihood of promotion, career advancement, there’s an expectation that you continue down this road of priority to the Biden administration and the left,” she said, emphasizing the importance of these whistleblowers’ testimonies.



Breitbart · Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) – January 28, 2023

“The left only likes a whistleblower when it’s whistleblower and impeachment. They want to silence whistleblowers when they’re coming forward to expose the lies of the left. So we’re going to have to make sure that these patriots feel comfortable in coming forward and we encourage them to do so,” she said, noting that whistleblowers are protected by law and Republicans will make sure that protection is enforced.

Stefanik said a “silencing effect” was a major theme that came out of the report released prior to the midterms, noting that there has “already has been retaliation, whether it’s stripping of security clearances,” stopping promotions, or taking individuals off high profile cases, she explained.

“That’s why this subcommittee is so important in terms of really providing transparency to the abuses that are happening within these agencies, not just against the American people, but the rank and file hardworking Americans who make up the bulk of … the personnel in these agencies,” she said, lamenting the damage that the likes of James Comey, Christopher Wray, and Rod Rosenstein have done in terms of  politicizing and breaking these agencies.

“It’s impacted the morale and it’s impacted retention as well,” she added.


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