Monday, February 1, 2016

Clinton campaign events are known for being highly scripted and at least some questions from Hillary’s audiences most certainly are plants, providing the candidate a setup to respond in such a way as to make her look like a really nice, downhom...

Clinton campaign events are known for being highly scripted and at least some questions from Hillary’s audiences most certainly are plants, providing the candidate a setup to respond in such a way as to make her look like a really nice, downhom...

Did Hillary just offer Obama a bribe in front of the entire world?

Clinton campaign events are known for being highly scripted and at least some questions from Hillary’s audiences most certainly are plants, providing the candidate a setup to respond in such a way as to make her look like a
really nice, downhome person or really on top of a particular subject.
Such was the situation recently when a questioner at a Hillary Q&A seemingly admitted
that he had been given his softball question for the frontrunner about
which former president she most admired. Such situations are not new for Hillary with charges of planted questions arising in all of her past and current campaigns.

that in mind, one has to be very suspicious of the recent question
asked of Hillary about whether she would consider appointing Obama to
the Supreme Court if she becomes president. We all know Hillary is a
less than skilled public speaker so the feigned surprise she shows at the question and her prepared response are far from genuine:

what a great idea. No one has ever suggested that to me, I love that,
wow. He may have a few other things to do but I tell you that's a great

Hill, while your acting skills just aren’t up to carrying that off as
being a spontaneous occurrence, that’s only part of the problem because
I’m sure I wasn’t the only American watching that arranged exchange
whose initial response was, “Whoa, did I just hear the Democrat
frontrunner for president float a bribe to the sitting Democrat
President of the United States right in front of the entire world?”
Anyone watching could see the unspoken implication was, “Hey, Barack,
make sure no indictment prevents my election and one of the most
coveted, lifetime positions in the world can be yours when your
presidential term is over, wink, wink.”

that, folks, was even less subtle than dragging a hundred dollar bill
through a trailer park, you do have to admire the way it was set up so
as to shield Clinton from any political charge of attempted bribery or
obstruction of justice by her opponents. Unsurprisingly it comes on the
heels of Hillary’s recent proclivity to gushingly praise the Obama presidency whereas earlier she’d done everything possible to distance herself
from that failed administration. Pundits mull that changing position as
being an attempt to stay ahead of her uber-liberal opponent, Bernie
Sanders. Cynics like me see it as a naked attempt to stay ahead of an
obviously justified indictment from the Obama Justice Department.
Whether or not that indictment ultimately happens while Obama is in
office is clearly freighted with such enormous political weight that
crudely dangled bribes for a cushy sinecure aren’t likely to affect it.

Hillary, Supreme Court Justices probably don’t get enough time on the
links to appeal to Barack Obama; plus they are based in Washington, D.C.
not Oahu. Nice try though; at least we know you Clinton’s are still
dragging those hundred dollar bills, so to speak.

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